Jealous - Scott

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Prompt: Scott getting jealous of you and Isaac, ending in you and Scott making out.

Word Count: 517


Scott's Pov

"Isaac, stop! " I watched as Isaac straddled my best friend and tickled the girl I was in love with, Y/N. They looked so in love that it made me want to puke.

"Can you please stop the playing? We don't have time for this," My voice sounded much harsher than I intended for it to sound, and I obviously wasn't the only one to notice this, because everyone turned to look at me.

"Derek's usually the sour wolf. What's gotten into the alpha? " Stiles asked amusedly, and for the first time ever, I rolled my eyes at my best friend.

"We need to go after Deucalion. Just him -"

"Yeah. I mean, you cut off the head of a snake, the body dies too - "

But I couldn't bother to listen. I pushed my chair out the loudest I could, and stormed out onto the terrace.


"Hey, you okay?" the sweetest voice I've ever heard sounded in my ears, but I was too angry at Isaac to reply if I was, or not.

"Scott, what is it?" She asked, irritating me even more. Well, she didn't irritate me ; the thought of her and Isaac did.

"Did I do something wrong? " And this question made me turn around and she jumped.

"Yes! Yes, you did!" I walked towards her and she stepped back every time I stepped forward.

"W-what? " she sounded scared, and I felt bad but the adrenaline was addicting.

"You just walk around - looking all - you! And just - driving me crazy all the time, and I can't take it anymore!"
She looked confused, but I couldn't end my rant there.

"And all this playing and stuff with Lahey is pissing me off because no matter how hard I try - " I swallowed, but continued, not even caring that she would see me all vulnerable, "No matter how hard I try, I can't get your attention, which I really want to do because I like you a lot -"

As a way of cutting me off, she pressed her lips on mine and kissed me with a lot of passion, but I couldn't bother with that and kissed her as hungrily as I could, easily lifting her by her thighs and placing her on the edge of the balcony.

(Gif above)

"Scott," she mumbled, but I've craved this for a really long time, and had no intention of stopping now. "Scott!"
She held my shoulders and eased me off her.

"What? " I whined, nuzzling my head in the crook of her neck.

She eased me off again and pointed to the door, where the pack stood smirking at us. Well, the pack minus Derek, who did look at amused with folded arms.

"You guys gonna have sex out there, or are you going to come inside and finish the pack meeting? " Derek asked plainly.

"I think you should come inside," Lydia smirked along with Stiles, who stood beside her.

"There are condoms inside, " Stiles laughed, "And a bed,"

"Piss off, Stiles, " I muttered and pressed my lips to Y/N's for the second time.

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