Chapter 27 : What am I without U?

Start from the beginning

I smile, thinking about seeing her today.

The nurse smiles as if she is literally seeing my thoughts.
But I just think she thinks I am laughing at the news report.

I let her think that.

She turns the Tv on and leaves the room.

I watch my clock, ignoring the tv.Visitation starts soon.

Mother tells me she's bringing the kids.

Boy I can't wait to see em, it's only been a day and some, away and I'm already missing them.

I Guess facing death twice in one week will get a brotha feeling that way.

I lay back in bed, staring up at the ceiling.

I can't wait to see her though, kiss her, hold her.Never in my years would I think a woman could love me enough to be willing to die for me, die for her love ones, our kids.
She's so brave.
So strong, and...she's mine.
She loves ME!

My mind goes back to a conversation Landon and I had when she and I were going through tough times.

He said something about me being a stone before Des came in my life.

He has never been more right in his life. ..especially since recently.

I shake my head.

Still haven't spoken to him about that either.I have nothing say.

But back to Des.
She's my life.No question.
A beautiful soul that loves me.
If I have no other reason to love God, I have her.
And she's given me Blessing to add to that list of reasons. And my Kyle...
I sigh heavily.

My boy has lost his mother...well his birth mother. He's too young to understand now, but I would have really loved for him to at least meet her when he's older...know she's his biological mom and that she's a bullshit person and an awful human being.
But, I know her demise is a blessing in disguise.
Although I do feel a bit of human mourn for her.A bit.

I closed my eyes with a smile on my face.

I have it all.
The only problem we had in our lives is now out of the picture completely.

Now all I can wish and pray for is a healthy recovery for both Des and me.
And a great life together. ..
But I do have a few things I need to do first.


"Mommy!!"I hear ringing in my ears. "MOMMY wake up, Gwama says you're tired, but I just need minute"

Oh my baby!

I try to open my eyes but, they feel heavy.

"Gwama why is mommy sleeping at the optcal?-She doesn't like the bed at home?"Rizz asks sounding concerned. "Gwama whats wong with mama's cheek? -its the same colour as my barbie's wipstick."

Oh dear, my face.


The memories hit me like bricks as the pain in my head generates.I have been shot! - Nyjah hit me unconscious! - the bomb! -Sage! -Landon...

My heart convulses as the final name in my head hits the surface.
My heavy eyes forced open, propelled by adrenaline.

"Brandon!"I let out.

The Yearning, sorrowful eyes of mi familia

Where is he?

Where is he!

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