Thunder Buddies

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Author: Ash

Relationship: SamxReader

Word Count: 1,164

Summary: A storm rolls though and Sam comforts the reader.


"Hey Sammy!" You called across the motel parking lot, dropping your suitcase. Sam turned and smiled at you, even from here you could see his dimples. He ran over and helped you with your bag, taking it to the "kid's room". It used to include Dean too, but now he goes on his own hunts, leaving us all alone.

This was one of the very few times in which your mother and Sam's dad worked together, and let's just say that I was very excited to spend the next couple of days goofing off like normal teenagers with Sam. It was a lot better than looking at those dusty old lure books with my mom or sitting in the car for hours on end.

"Hey Y/N!" You smiled at the name. You had the blessing of being able to chose your name when you were old enough to decide and just a year ago you finally settled on a name.

"What's on the agenda for the next couple of days? Maybe weeks?" You asked Sam, who got the key to our room from his dad with strict instructions to "stay inside" and to "shoot first, ask questions later". Then roughly two hundred dollars in cash, for the week.

"I don't know, movies, local comic book store, snacks and pizza until we puke." Sam said excitedly, opening our motel door, dragging in your suitcase. Then he walked out and got his, coming back in a moment later.

"Maybe, but it's supposed to thunderstorm tonight. I have to pick up some more picks and a string for my base anyways. But, I'd rather order take-out . You know, at least for tonight. Is that okay?" You asked, Sam nodded and placed his suitcase by the couch, setting up a blanket and pillows.

"That's fine. I wasn't suggesting we do that today. Maybe tomorrow." Sam smiled sadly and continued to set up the couch. You smiled and stopped his hands.

"I'll sleep here this time. You take the bed this time." You could see the bags underneath his eyes. He was sleep deprived and probably needed a nice comfy place to sleep. You didn't need a lot more as you could sleep in the car.

"Okay, but I won't go down this easy next time though." Sam smirked tiredly and pointed at you, his hazel eyes a little wet with tears. You pulled him into a tight hug and let him snuggle into you. You smiled and held him closer than you ever had before in your life.

"Bro, a little too long. Come on buddy, we have things to do. We need food before the storm rolls in. I don't want another delivery boy to crash his bike because of us." You joked, pulling away and going over to take a twenty out of Sam's hand. Sam nodded slowly and looked out the window.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. We wouldn't want the cops to come and ask questions again." You and Sam chuckled at the memory of a soaking wet delivery boy clad in a puke yellow uniform with a red hat shaped like a pepperoni carrying a bent up bike.

"I'll order. Large pizza, half veggie, extra olives and half pepperoni with a two liter soda and extra cheesy bread, right?" You asked. Sam only nodded as you went to pick up the hotel phone.


After the pizza was gone and we had watched a movie, the storm began. Thunder crashed and lighting light up the dark room. You tried not to cringe at the sound of the thunder, telling yourself it was just the nice Thor guy you met a couple of months ago while hunting with your mom. You tried to tell myself that it was just Thor doing his job.

"You okay?" Sam asked and you nodded your head, trying to hide the fear flowing through your blood. Sam looked at you with uncertainty in his eyes for a moment before turning his head back to the movie.

"You know it's almost Halloween." You said a while later, just before another rumble of thunder shook the already unstable motel room. You shuddered and turned your head to Sam, looking into his hazel eyes.

"What's so important about Halloween? It's not like we can enjoy it like other kids." Sam smiled sadly. You shifted and went to your suitcase, unzipping it. You had brought some costumes just in case Sam wanted to go.

"Yes we can. This Halloween we can. Our parents are on a hunt and we'll be all by ourselves anyway. What's a little fun?" You asked, holding up Sam's vampire costume and your zombie cow hand costume. You shook them a little bit, trying to lure him into it.

"I don't think it's a safe idea. You know there will be a lot of monsters and spirits out that night. We really shouldn't. It would be suicide, especially with the parents we have." Sam tried to pull you out of the idea, but you weren't budging.

"Come on Sam, it'll be-" A crack of lightning stopped you in your tracks and the roll of thunder made you shudder. Sam looked at you with concerned filled hazel eyes.

"You've been doing that at every lightning and thunder attack there has been. What's wrong?" Sam asked and you pretended like you hadn't heard him. You still held up the costumes, hoping he would eventually say yes.

"It'll be fun. Come on, one Halloween." You smiled and Sam looked at you, his best bitch face painted on his face.

"What's wrong?" Sam repeated and you broke down, no longer able to hide the fear flooding through your blood. The fear pained your bones and took over your mind. You let it wash over you and pull you to your knees.

"I'm terrified of thunder and lightning. It reminds me of the growl of monsters, the sound of gunshots and the crackle of the fire that killed my dad." You whispered, letting the tears flow like a river. You covered your face with your hands.

"It's okay. I'm here, nothing can hurt you." Sam whispered. You heard the creak of the bed as Sam got out of the bed. Then, you felt an arm wrap around your shoulders. He stayed there as you cried.

"Hey, I have an idea." Sam said after your sobs had subsided. You looked up with tear stained hopeful eyes.

"What's the idea?" You asked. Sam smiled and kissed your forehead. You smiled also and kept looking at his soft features.

"Thunder buddies. Whenever there's a storm in the area and we're not together, are we call each other and talk until the storm is over. When we're together, we talk and cuddle until the storm is over and it starts right now." Sam said. You smiled and nodded, you liked that idea.

"Thunder buddies?" You asked, sticking out your hand.

"Thunder buddies." Sam smiled and shook it.

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