How You Meet- Adam

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A/N: As some of these can get long, I broke this preference into pieces, beginning with Adam.

You sat waiting in the band room, prepared to play the halftime show for your beloved Charging Cougars. The whole school had come down to see the Charging Cougars play against the Fighting Bulls though you had won every game this season, your band teacher said that you guys were losing, badly. He said that if you guys didn't pick up the team up, you guys might lose the championship.

"But, Mr. know we can't pick them up, right? They're a bunch of stubborn idiots. We'll just lose. It's not that bad is it? Plus all that we're playing are those depressing songs (Y/N) picked out. How are we supposed to pick up the team playing a song about some dead guy?" The band jerk, Julius asked.

"Welcome to the Black Parade is a good song. Would you rather us stand in the back doing nothing all the way through halftime? Plus, we have a lot more songs up our sleeve." You explained, not even turning around to look at him. He didn't deserve that satisfaction.

Plus, you were ready to leave. It was a really cold November day. There was already some snowfall this week and the temperature was hanging near thirty degrees. If your crush Zack Moreover hadn't told you that he was taking you out for hot chocolate afterwards, you totally would've bailed on the drum line for the first time since you joined in ninth grade, almost four years ago.

"Welcome to the Black Parade, isn't that by that band-"

"It's not a band, it's an idea!" The entire marching band yelled even before Julius could finish his sentence. He shut up for a while after that.

A few minutes later your band teacher called for you all to line up and get ready to play. You smiled as you walked past Julius, knowing full well he was the only one who didn't like the songs that you picked out. You needed a good laugh. You adjusted your snare one last time before walking out onto the field.


You waited outside the stadium, waiting for Zack, but it was cold and you had been waiting almost an hour for him already. You promised yourself twenty more minutes, then you would begin to head home.

Twenty minutes came and went. You realized that he had stood you up, probably for someone better looking. Or he could've forgotten and went home. Either way, you were disappointed and cold.

"Hey! Hey!" Someone yelled. You turned around and was face to face with a tall and handsome male. His green eyes pierced the darkness around them and his blonde hair was shorter than most guys' hair at your school.

"Yeah?" You asked.

"Are you (Y/N)?" The male asked and you nodded.

"I'm Adam and I heard this Zack kid talking about how happy he was to have found another girl to go out with because (Y/N) was ugly and unintelligent. You don't look unintelligent and I know that you aren't. I've seen you coming out of all the AP classes. I just wanted to take you on the date so messed up for you." You smiled and nodded. Adam smiled and took your gloved hand, walking you to the cafe down the street.

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