Amateur Stuff, Mish

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Title: Amateur Stuff, Mish

Relationship: Jared Padalecki/Reader
Word Count: 2,469
Request: reader is a good friend of Misha's and he introduces her to Jared and they end up dating and falling in love over time? But the reader is younger (like maybe 24 or so) and Misha is concerned?
A/N: I'm so so sorry it took so long to get this request filled out! I hope it was worth the wait!
Misha had just gotten off from set for the day when his phone rang. "Hey, [Y/N]," he said into the phone, on his way to his car.

"Hey Mish," you called him by his pet name you'd had ever since you met him. It had been only a few months before your dad died. Your dad and Misha had met at University of Chicago when Misha was a freshman and your dad was a senior, and had been best friends ever since. Your mom and dad had you when they were twenty, juggling college and parenting at the same time, and occasionally Misha would babysit you for them if they both had classes at the same time. You didn't really meet Misha after that until you were twelve, and your dad died a few months later. Misha acted as the father figure in your life ever since then, especially since your mom spiraled into drugs and got sent away to you-don't-even-know-because-no-one-ever-told-you. Misha and his wife Vicki took care of you after that. They never really tried to be your parents, they didn't tell you what to do or try to control you or punish you for anything stupid you might've done. They just let you do your thing and in return they put a roof over your head until you were able to live on your own. You saw them more as friends than parents. Your best friends. "So, you got that 200th episode party coming up, I hear..." you began.

"[Y/N], you know I'm not even in the 200th episode," Misha replied.

"Uh-bup-bup-" you interrupted. "Irrelevant. Remember all those times I babysat West and Maison for you guys?"

Misha laughed. "Remember the roof we put over your head?"

"Hey, I babysat the kids then, too," you said.

Misha laughed again. "Alright, what about the party?" he asked.

"I want to go," you told him.

"[Y/N], you don't even watch Supernatural."

"Now that, I can honestly say, is a lie. I started watching it a couple months ago. And I'm completely caught up on it," you said proudly.

"Nine seasons in a couple months? No way, you don't have that much time on you," Misha said.

"I'm a school teacher, I have entire summers free. What else am I going to do with my time?" you pointed out. "What if I told you Castiel was my favorite character?" you said, trying a new tactic.

"Why do you even want to go?" Misha asked.

"Allow me to read you my list," you said.

"Oh boy," you heard Misha mutter under his breath, but you knew he was smiling.

"One: Impala cake, duh. Two: In the handful of people that get to see episode 200 first. Three, and I cannot stress this enough: I finally get to meet everyone you work with. I'm sure you tell them about me all the time, why can't I meet them?" you argued.

"You see, [Y/N], here's the thing- I don't talk about you that much," he said with a strained voice.

You fake gasped. "How dare you, Misha! I thought you loved me!" you said dramatically.

"And I do love you, I promise I do-"

"Then let me come to your Supernatural party! Please! I obviously really care about the show if I'm begging you so much to go to the party!" you began whining.

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