Wasting Time (Part 10)

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Relationship: Dean/Reader

Word Count: 1,608

Warnings: extremely mild angst, fluff, smut, language, prepare for an angsty part 11

Summary: After the incident with Bloody Mary, Dean decides it's time to tell Sam. Time to tell Sam about what he did during the two and a half years Sam was away at Stanford and Dean wasn't hunting with John. Time to tell Sam about what they both had in common with their father.

A/N: I am so sorry about how long this part took me to write!


August 14th, 2002

It had been six months since the demons had taken you to try to get to Dean. You still hadn't told him everything that happened while you were held hostage by them. You finally told Dean that you wouldn't tell him anything until you felt completely safe with him. Until you felt like you wouldn't have to go back to the hunting life.

So Dean worked very hard to find somewhere for the two of you to go where no monsters or hunters or anyone would even think to look. The Smokey Mountains of Tennessee. Tourist country, at least in the cities. But you would be in a cabin in the mountains. It was colder than you'd have liked, and very secluded, and you weren't sure if that would be a comfort, or a nightmare.

Dean packed the Impala with what little you two had, and waited patiently for you while you took a warm bubble bath in the motel room to calm your nerves.

You were just resting your eyes when you heard a light knock on the door. You hummed, your way of telling Dean he could come in. Dean quietly entered the small bathroom and sat down next to the tub, leaning against the wall. "I'm sorry," he said. Things hadn't been as great as they used to be between you two, but damn if Dean didn't try to be a normal boyfriend and make you feel like a normal girlfriend. It worked for the most part, but you still couldn't help but feel like there was something between you, keeping you apart. You didn't respond to his apology, not verbally at least. It was almost as if Dean could read you, know everything you were thinking, know everything that was wrong. He used to be able to, and he was really trying to keep that bond that the two of you had formed. "Tomorrow marks a year since we met." Silence. "[Y/N]... I know we can't just ignore what happened six months ago... but I was hoping we could put it behind us. I want to love you the way I did when we first said those words to each other. I want you to love me the way you did when we were in Edisto. I want us to be us again, [Y/N]. I know you might feel like a different person now than you were when we first met, when we first said 'I love you'... but I want you to be comfortable being you when you're with me. I will love you no matter what, and I will take care of you no matter what."

Dean didn't take his eyes off you until you looked at him in return, your head slowly turning to face him. "I know you will," you whispered. "I'm just... I'm still so scared, Dean."

He reached out to you and cradled your face in one of his hands. "I know you are. It's okay to be scared. I don't blame you for being scared. But I promise that once we get out of here and back to the way things were in Edisto, you won't have to be scared anymore," he murmured. You nodded and Dean leaned forward and kissed you tenderly. It wasn't that you hadn't kissed in the past six months, but this kiss felt right, like it really was going to be okay in the end. Like you and Dean could be happy with a normal life.

You reached your wet hands out of the tub and placed them on his neck, pulling him closer to you as you kissed. "I do love you, Dean," you said quietly when you paused to take a breath.

"I love you so much, princess," he whimpered in return. "Dry off and we can get on the road, okay?" he proposed. You nodded, pulling your hands back so he could leave and give you privacy.

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