Princess, Majesty, Soldier, Dean

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Title: Princess, Majesty, Soldier, Dean

Relationship: Dean/Reader
Word Count: 2,496
Request: Reader is a nurse in the hospital Dean gets after a bad hunt. She is immediately attracted by him and tries to stick around his room all the time. Dean notices the reader and starts imagining her as his wife - even if it's frickin silly in his eyes to think that way. He begins to fall in love with her and when the end of his stay approaches he decides to ask her out
A/N: Sorry this strays from the request just a little bit, but I thought this would be really cute! I actually really enjoyed writing this and to the requester I hope you enjoy it as well! Sorry for going on hiatus for a while, but I'm back now!
Sam didn't know what to do- Dean was unconscious, bleeding out from the head, he couldn't fix up that kind of wound, not before it cost Dean his life; he went to law school not medical school. So he did the only thing he could think to do. He picked up Dean's limp body and took him to the nearest hospital, knowing how pissed Dean would be once he woke up- Dean was stubborn like that. Always wanting to do things himself or not at all.
When Dean woke up in the hospital his first thought was, 'Dammit Sammy.' He balled his fists, closing his eyes. A moment later, a nurse came into his hospital room. "So sleeping beauty is awake, I see," she said playfully, picking up Dean's chart. "Do me a favor and don't move too much, okay?"
Dean's lip curls up in a smirk. "Love it when you get demanding," he replied sarcastically.
"I'm saying it for your own good," the nurse told him. "You have a strain on your lower back muscles. Doesn't sound like much, but it can be very painful. And that's added on to your concussed head and blood loss."
"What's that mean?" Dean asked.
"Well, for your lower back to get better and blood loss, we're looking at a few days maybe a week of bed rest. But for physical therapy for your back and to make sure you don't need surgery... six weeks," she said.
Dean's eyes widened. "Six weeks for lower back pain?!"
"Don't sound so upset, it's six weeks with me. I'll be your physical therapist. And maybe if you do what I say, I can get you out in five weeks. How's that sound?" Dean looked at the nurse and honestly, with her as his therapist, he didn't care if it took six weeks or six months. "Hey, princess, you're staring," the nurse said.
That got a smile out of him. "Yeah. Yeah, sounds good."
"Good." She put his chart back on the foot of his bed and left.
Sam entered Dean's room not long after the nurse left, holding two cups of coffee in his hands. "Hey!" Sam said.
"Sammy, why'd you take me to the hospital?" Dean asked immediately.
"Hey, be glad I did. You would've bled out from your head if I hadn't. And even if your head was fine, the nerves in your lower back are irritated, you would've been in so much pain. I'd even bet that after a couple of weeks you'd be begging me to take you to a hospital, so you can just keep your mouth shut."
"Six weeks, Sam! I can't hunt for six weeks!" Dean whisper-shouted.
"Yeah, and if I hadn't brought you here you'd never be able to hunt again because you'd be dead," Sam spat back. "So let's look at the bright side of things, okay?"
Dean looked at the door. "My physical therapist is pretty hot." He shrugged.
Sam rolled his eyes. "Do you want this coffee?"
Dean gave Sam a look of sass. "Do you even have to ask? Course I do!" he said derisively. He took the coffee from Sam's hand and after taking a sip, asked, "So how long was I out?"
"Not too long. Bout a day," Sam replied.
"A day isn't too long? Really?" Dean asked facetiously.

Dean didn't see that nurse again while he was under strict bed rest. When his main doctor finally did send him to physical therapy, he rented out a room in a nearby motel for the next five weeks.

Physical Therapy: Day 1
"You never told me your name," Dean said when the familiar nurse walked over to him.
"That's because you gotta work for it," she replied. "You're not learning my name until you can mop the men's room without groaning from back pain."
"Give me a mop and a bucket," Dean said, winking.
She looked him up and down before saying, "Cute."
"Alright, well, what do I call you until then?" Dean asked.
"Your majesty," she said smugly. "Now get to work."

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