Life Changed For The Better- Part 1

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Paring- SamXreader

Request- Can you write something where Claire Novak (or the reader) is pregnant, and a worried and overprotective Castiel (or sam if it's the reader) has to help her through all 9 months? super super fluffy :3 thank youuuuuu!

A/N- I Changed it so it was Sam and the Reader because I had already started to write this kind of story. They are also in a relationship, hope that is okay. I will also be posting them in part. If you do want more parts please say, it would help a lot. ~Hannah

2 weeks along-

You had known for 2 weeks now and where still trying to build the courage to tell Sam that you were pregnant. I could just leave and do this on my own; Sam will not want this baby. You had only been dating for 2 months and you were both hunters! This is no life to raise a baby in.

You felt guilty about keeping it a secret for so long, you had been distancing yourself for Sam and hunts and both brothers could tell something was wrong. It also did not help that Cas was always staring at your stomach every time you were in the same room. Maybe he could tell? It would not surprise you, but what did is that he has said nothing but you were glad none the less.

You were sat with the boys and Cas researching for the latest case, a salt and burn.

"Y/N, can I please talk to you alone?" Cas asked, still looking at your stomach. You knew this was coming and you knew what he would be saying to you.

You could not bring yourself to speak so just nodded and left with Cas close behind. The boys eyes followed you out, both with a questing glance.

"Y/N, are you aware that you are carrying a child?" Cas was still staring at your stomach and you were becoming more and more uncomfortable.

"Yes, and can you please stop staring!" Cas, however did not listen to you lost in his thoughts as to why he has not been told.

"Does Sam know?" Before for you can speak Sam and Dean both walk out into the corridor.

"Does Sam know what?" Sam asked whilst glancing between both you and Cas.

You opened your mouth once again only this time to be beaten by Cas.

"Well, Y/N is carrying your Child Sam." He said all too bluntly.

You could not believe Cas would just tell him, stupid angel! The boys and you both shared a similar reaction, mouth wide open just staring. You were staring at Cas, whilst Sam was looking between you and your stomach, and Dean well he was looking between all of you.

You did not make eye contact even when Sam started to speak.

"W..What..Is this True?" The only reply form you was a nod of the head.

"How long have you known, Y/N?" Sam was starting to gain his voice back but you could still here the shock in it.

Still staring at the floor you whispered, "About a week..." Sam just stared at you shock and hurt flashing across his face.

Gaining back some confidence you finally look up to face him, wanting to see his reacting once you started to explain yourself. "I wanted to tell you I really did, but I was scared, scared because we have been only dating 2 months, scared because we are hunters and this is no life for a baby, scared that you would want me to leave and I would be left alone to raise this baby, scared because I do not know if I am ready to be a mother..." You can no longer speak because of the sob that forces its self out of you. Your vision blurry making it hard to see Sam in front of you.

Suddenly you feel two familiar arms wrap around you a pull you in. "Oh baby, it's okay, I know your scared and so am I, but I would never leave you, Okay? This is going to be hard, but we can do this." He says as he kisses your forehead and rubbing your back softly. You just nod you head not trusting yourself to reply.

"Let's get you to bed okay? We can talk about this some more tomorrow." Another nod from you, he then picks you up cradling your body to his, as he knows that this will be the fastest way because of your emotional state.

When you make it to the room that both you and Sam share he just places you under the covers and joins you, as you were both wearing sweats and a shirt. No one speaks; Sam just cuddles you knowing that you would both talk in the morning.

You quickly enter a sleep state, whilst Sam just stares down at you with a loving gaze hand on your stomach thinking about the future. His last thought before falling asleep himself is 'he cannot wait to raise this baby with you; he will give you both everything and anything. This is his chance to do good for once and make up for his past mistakes.'

Part 2? Let me know!

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