What Changed in Seven Minutes

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Relationship: Sam/Reader

Word Count: 1,437

Warnings: mentions of alcohol/drug use

Summary: "we've been nothing but friends for our whole lives but then we played seven minutes in heaven on a dare and now i think i might actually be in love with you"

A/N: This is just based off of a prompt I saw on an AU list.


It was you and Sam's first weekend at Stanford, and he invited you to go to a house party with him. You'd known Sam ever since you were a kid, and you trusted him more than anyone. You'd been best friends for as long as you could remember, helping each other through everything- from school to relationships to the occasional talk-down. You didn't just accept his invitation because it would be your first college party, but because it was a new experience you'd be able to have with Sam.

"Hey, how about we play a game?" one of the party host's drunk friends yelled. The small house made it easy for her to get everyone's attention so they could hear her over the music blaring from the speakers. By the time she said this, people had already started filing out, resulting in a larger amount of personal space per person.

Sam turned to you and shrugged. "Why not?" he mumbled to you. The two of you sat down in an empty loveseat as everyone remaining in the house gathered into a circle. You nervously held a red solo cup in your hands, suddenly very eager to consume the alcohol it contained. Whatever game was about to be played, you were pretty sure you wouldn't want to be a part of it. The time for party games was over; beer pong and flip-cup had already been played; the jeeb had already been hit by a third of the party-goers. Everyone was to the point of drunk or high that it was time for the old classics from middle school. "You okay?" Sam asked when he saw you fidgeting with your cup.

"Yeah, just kind of want something stronger, you know?" you lied.

"Relax, this is our first week. You can't get shitfaced on me yet," he joked. You smiled and leaned on his shoulder.

Suddenly the girl who had suggested a game in the first place pointed to you and Sam. "You two!" she yelled, louder than necessary. "Seven minutes in heaven, go!"

Sam hid his face, allowing his shaggy hair to fall in front of him as he glanced down. When he looked back up, you saw him blushing. "No, we're just friends, seriously. How about we play something else?" Sam proposed, flustered.

"Noooope!" the girl protested. "You guys have to do it. Get over to that closet!" she said drunkenly.

"What is this, middle school? Really? Seven minutes in heaven, that's the best game you can come up with?" you replied, trying to change the subject. "That's not even a game!" you said, irritated.

"If it's not even a good game, then why won't you do it?" someone else asked, earning agreement from most of the other drunk and high people.

You turned to Sam. "Can we just go?" you asked so no one could hear.

Sam nodded in understanding. "Yeah, sure." As the two of you moved to stand up, the other partygoers began hooting.

Before you could make it out the front door, a couple of the others shoved you into a nearby closet instead. "Seven minutes start now!" you heard someone yell from outside.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" you hissed, frustrated. "Sam, hate to break it to you, but your new college friends are assholes. I get to pick the party next time."

Sam nervously chuckled. "Well, it's only seven minutes. We've stayed up all night talking to each other before, so I don't see how bad this could be."

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