Wasting Time (Part 8)

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Relationship: Dean/Reader

Word Count: 963

Summary: After the incident with Bloody Mary, Dean decides it's time to tell Sam. Time to tell Sam about what he did during the two and a half years Sam was away at Stanford and Dean wasn't hunting with John. Time to tell Sam about what they both had in common with their father.

A/N: I'm trying to figure out how much I should release at a time. It's not completely written, but I don't release everything I have written whenever I post. I'm going through some writer's block with this story, but I'm working on two other ficlets as well, so maybe I'll post one of those next time.


February 13th, 2002

Dean worked as a mechanic just down the road from the restaurant you worked at. He visited you on your breaks and you usually ate lunch or walked along the beach together. Which is why he found it very suspicious that when he called the restaurant that day, they said you hadn't come in at all. "Alright, thanks," he said right before hanging up. Then he turned around and yelled, "Hey, Randy, I'm going on break. I gotta go," before running out of the shop.

Dean always dropped you off at work before driving himself to work, always waiting a few moments before driving off. Which made him wonder where you could possibly be.

He had dropped you off this morning, just like usual. He had waited before pulling out, just like usual. So what happened that was unusual? Maybe you had just wandered off somewhere to find something to surprise him for Valentine's day... except that you didn't really do that kind of stuff, and even if you did, you wouldn't take half of your shift to do it.

Something had to have happened. But you were a former hunter, it wasn't like you suddenly got a call from someone that was an emergency. Not unless it was another hunter. And even then, you'd call someone else to take care of it. Unless you didn't want to be retired anymore...

No, no that couldn't be it. You were taken. Or attacked. Something. But what? And why? Maybe there wasn't a reason, maybe you just happened to get targeted as a victim. The real question, though, was it human? Or something else?

Dean started up the impala and raced home, hoping he could find you there. But when he got there, you were nowhere to be found. Everything was in its place, no sign of struggle, just the way you left it.

February 15th, 2002

"She's not just some girl, Bobby! I have to find her!" Dean yelled into the payphone. "It's been forty-six hours and I still don't have a lead... Please, man, I just need your help," he whimpered, his voice broken.

"Honestly kid," Bobby's gruff voice spoke through the other end. "If it's been forty-six hours I doubt there's any chance of finding her. If it was a monster, she's dead. If it was a human... well, they've got too much of a head start on you. I'm sorry, Dean."

"Bobby, if there is even a sliver of a chance that I can get her back, I have to try. And I'll be damned if I just give up now. Please, Bobby." Dean paused and his lips quivered. "I don't know what else to do."

Bobby sighed. "I'll run up a list of anything nearby that could have taken her, monster or human. I'll get back to you in a few hours."

Dean breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Bobby, thank you so much," he said before hanging up.


Dean answered the motel room phone as soon as it started ringing, expecting it to be Bobby. "What do you got?"

There was a pause on the other end of the line before anyone started speaking. "Dean?" a broken voice whimpered out. The speaker sounded strained, like they hadn't had food or water for a long time. Then he heard the soft distant sound of choked back sobs.

"Who is this?" Dean spat. "Are you the one that took [Y/N]? I swear to god-" the line cut off, leaving Dean with nothing but the drawn out beep of the receiver. Dean threw the phone to the ground with a shout. After anxiously pacing the room for several moments, he picked up the phone and called Bobby. "I think they know who I am, Bobby. I think they're trying to use her as bait," he said once Bobby picked up.

"What?" Bobby asked, not caught up.

"The takers! I just got a call from someoneand I'm pretty sure [Y/N] was on the other end. Whoever it is did this on purpose; they know who I am," Dean explained.

"Dean, I can't think of anyone or anything that has it out for you. Now your dad, that's another story. But you?" Bobby replied.

"What has it out for my dad?" Dean asked, his tone serious. Then a thought occurred to him. "No, forget that, what's my dad got it out for that he hasn't taken care of yet?"

Bobby sighed. "Not much. There's only one that comes to mind. But Dean..."

"No buts, Bobby, I want answers. What's dad still chasing after?" he said firmly.

"Whatever killed Mary. John's got it in his head that it's a demon."

"Which is why you don't want me to go after it if that's what took [Y/N]," Dean finished.

"Look, Dean, demons are pretty scary shit. But there haven't been any omens in your area in the past two days."

"Well, is there any way a demon could get in and get out without being noticed?" Dean asked.

"Ehhh maybe with the help of a witch, but..."

"So they'd have to have a hex bag on them, right?" Dean questioned. "So what if I track down the witch that gave the demon the hex, would that work?"

"I don't know what good it would do. You're probably better off just trying to track the demon like you'd track a normal person. Why don't you call up your dad and see what he's got on the demon?"

"No, no, I don't want my dad and [Y/N] anywhere near each other," Dean told him.


"Honestly- because I don't know what might happen if they meet."

"So you're going on a goose chase, huh?"

"Sounds like it," Dean confirmed.

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