Almost There

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Title: Almost There/ Princess and the Frog

Author: Max (AJ)


Word Count: 632

Warnings: Death

Summary: Y/N heads out on a hunt of their own. 

You moved through the library as you picked up a few books on vampires. The boys had gone to town to find some food. You stayed behind to work on a case that had picked up on your own. A woman had been killed in a very Winchester-y way. Sam and Dean had just gotten back from a hunt, so you wanted to give them some time to rest. You took the case and were set to head out in the next few hours or so. All you needed was to brush up on vampires.

"Hello Y/N," Dean's gruff voice broke through the silence as you smiled a bit. His voice never failed to make you smile.

"Hello Dean. Find everything you need?" You asked before you turned around to face him. Dean nodded as Sam walked in.

"Are you all set to go?" Sam touched your shoulder lightly and you smiled at him. He was the brother you never had, both of them were.

"I am all set after I make myself a few snacks for the road," You walked into the kitchen and moved looked around the home you had all built for yourselves.

"You'll be okay all by yourself, Y/N?" Sam asked, walking into the kitchen and looking at you.

"I'm more likely to die in a car crash than I am to die in a nest of vampires," You shook your head and walked towards your room. You picked up your suitcase and moved towards the door. The boys both gave you a hug before you headed out for the case all the way in Tennessee.

You hopped into your car after packing up your car for the road. You smiled and looked out your window. Sam waved bye to you and shouldered Dean when he didn't wave to you. Dean waved after he rubbed his shoulder. You waved back and smiled at them. You headed out of the driveway and smiled to yourself. You turned on the radio and headed out.


It was past midnight and you were still driving. Your eyes were tired and you needed to rest. You wanted to push through and get over state lines. Then you would find a place to sleep. You swerved a bit as you drifted off a bit. Luckily no one was on this lonely side street. You sighed and looked down. As soon as you looked up, a dark object entered the road. You swerved to miss it and hit a tree. Your car crashed and a shard of glass hit your heart.

"Good bye Y/N." A familiar voice whispered in your ear as you began to fade away.

"Mama! I don't have time for dancing!/ That's just gonna have to wait a while/ Ain't got time for messing around/ And it's not my style/ This old town can slow you down/ People taking the easy way/ But I know exactly where I'm going/ Getting closer and closer every day/ And I'm almost there, I'm almost there/ People down here think I'm crazy, but I don't care/ Trials and tribulations, I've had my share/ There ain't nothing gonna stop me now 'cause I'm almost there/ I remember/ Daddy told me: "Fairytales can come true/ You gotta make 'em happen, it all depends on you"/ So I work real hard each and every day/ Now things for sure are going my way/ Just doing what I do/ Look out boys, I'm coming through/ And I'm almost there, I'm almost there/ People gonna come here from everywhere/ And I'm almost there/ I'm almost there/ There's been trials and tribulations/ You know I've had my share/ But I've climbed the mountain, I've crossed the river/ And I'm almost there, I'm almost there/ I'm almost there!" The song faded out on the radio and so did you.

A/N: Who do you think killed Y/N

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