Not A Good Surprise...Far From It!

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I was forking my chicken and throwing it into my mouth with a petulant demeanour about me. Like, I was all hunched over my plate, my mother and father sitting across from me and Jack sitting right next to me. Whenever I want to avoid anyone, I move all my hair to the side they sit, stand, or are; avoiding Jack was like avoiding bumping into people in New York City, it's just inevitable. You can even pass it off as expected at this point, depending on who you ask.

My parents stared at me pointedly, forcing me to interact with Jack behind closed doors. Jack, a tall guy, with olive skin tone and an always perfectly sculpted jawline, had black brown hair and eyes and lips do die for. The things this man did with those lips, that tongue, those hands, and his large penis, haunt me till this day. I feel like I'm trapped in a Casanova scenario with my capture. Only thing is, I once let him catch me.

"Sophia," my mom started for the hundredth time to get Jack and I talking, "Jack is now an architect living in New York."

"Mmm, this chicken is delicious," I said.

My mother sighed.

"Sophia," my dad wriggled in his seat to straighten up, "Jack, is living on fifth." He lifted his brows in admiration.

"Who made it?" I asked, narrowing my eyes onto my dad, "Was it you dad? Mom definitely didn't cook this."

"Please, guys, it's alright," Jack said. Then, there was a silence, and I thought all efforts were gone until I heard his smooth voice speaking directly to me. Jack, staring at me, with polite eyes filled with memories I couldn't escape. "Hey Sophia. I've missed you."

My mom cooed like no other, bringing her hands to her chest and curling into it. Her eyes squinting; my dad actually placed a hand on her back as if to feel the same thing she did. Well, I could see how they would react that way. What with those intoxicating words, 'Hey Sophia. I've missed you,' who can resist!?

I dropped my fork, loudly on my plate. "Why didn't either of you tell my ex is here?"

"Because we knew you wouldn't have come, dear," my mom started.

"You have to get over what happened in the past, honey," my dad pitched in on the lecture. "Just talk through it and patch things up. You think you're mother and I haven't had some bumps in the road during our marriage?" I gulped and hoped he was talking about my brother, and it didn't look like it on his face as he continued obliviously, with regard to my bubbling rage. "You and Jack were good and your mother and I just can't understand why you broke up with him. You owe it to each other to have some kind of—"

I abruptly shot up to my feet, the legs of the wooden chair rubbing on the hardwood floor. "I don't owe him anything. Thanks for ruining this visit mom and dad. Real smooth."

"Honey..." my mom said as I walked away.

Fucking suburbia. I had to walk all the way to the main street to hail a cab. Well, maybe I needed the walk. Maybe I'll treasure it. Maybe on any other day those points would be true. Today, of course, Jack had to run out after me and walk beside me.

Oh, I owe you a chat? Well get ready for your comeuppance!

His Name Is Jake SaundersWhere stories live. Discover now