A Match

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"A match!" I shrieked.

"Hmmm?" Angela mumbled through stuffed pizza in her mouth.

"He matched with you?"

"You're playing the pronoun game and I'm not getting it."

"Jack matched with you. What the hell is Jack doing matching with you!?"

Angela lifted her brows in caution and moved slowly towards me, armed with alcohol and pizza. "Calm down. I don't even know..." her voice trailed off once she took a look at her phone. "Did you...? Why'd you—?"

"Because I wanted to know. Or, so I thought. Now I wish I hadn't even—"

"Touched my phone."

I rounded my eyes innocently and bit my lip. "Sorry?"

Angela rolled her eyes, unimpressed. "Well, I'll just say I had a seizure and accidently swiped."

"He'll never believe that," I muttered.

She shrugged. "He'll never know the truth regardless, maybe I should just ignore him. He might not even message me."

Her phone winked a couple of flashes. I looked up. "Notifications-much?"

The both of us bobbed down onto the floor and huddled closer to her phone. I poured the glasses while Angela took another slice.

"He says, 'hey,'."

"So...say 'hi' back."

Angela scrunched her face. "What the hell, Sophia?"

I held the glass of wine between my fingers. "Please, Angela? Do this?"

"Go on a date with him?"

"No, I mean, I'm not even talking about that. I just want to know what he's up to."

"Sophia, you've just discovered a whole new level of psycho-cyber-stalking!"

"What's the big deal? You'd jump at the chance on something like this. Are you dating anyone?"

She stared at me for a moment, so still she could've passed for a statue. I shook my head to urge her to respond, and it did the trick. "No, you're right." She giggled a little. "Okay, but—" she held up a forefinger in warning— "this better not go too far."

His Name Is Jake SaundersWhere stories live. Discover now