Boo! It's Halloween

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I couldn't take my mind off of Jack. And I hate that. I've spent so long forging a barricade between my memories of him and me. Most of all my happy memories with him. I don't like comparing relationships, or men overall, but Jack was—you see! This is what I mean! I'm already swooning over Jack. I'm already reminiscing of the good times—the best times!—with Jack. An amazing man, an attentive lover, hot rippling abs to come with a strong and sensitive (but not overly sensitive) package. He had it all, and I thought I was good enough as well. I thought I was a nice addition. I guess not.

The antidote to cure my thoughts of Jack was simple. All I had to do was think of him thrusting his hips into my ex-best-friend. It was easy to imagine the affair. My ex-friend always loved doggy style. It's so fitting considering the circumstances (i.e she's a bitch!).

A back-up antidote was that Jack confessed he didn't know how to comfort me. That being the reason why he deviated. That was the kicker. Had I given up on us too soon? Was I part of the problem? I shouldn't be reprimanded after my own brother died and I had to suffer the wrath from my parents, but it's understandable to think that I was so blinded by my own suffering, I couldn't see his. Even so, I couldn't resist my roller coaster of emotions, the high being anger and the low being upset.

Today was a hard day in resisting Jack. I was writhing in emotional pain like I was owing back-pay in the form of tears and heartache. Which brings me to the third antidote, the back-up to my back-up, and that was Jake.

I banged on Jake's apartment door in my sluttiest\sexiest outfit, a sexy cheerleader with white and red coursing through each fabric and itchy thread. It was either this or the daddy-girl costume and I wasn't in the mood with getting that freaky.

The door flew open and I leaned forward to show off my ample breasts, bending one leg closer to my other. "Trick-or-treat!" I said seductively, like Marilyn Monroe, holding up my mini-basket.

Jake half-smiled. I wasn't expecting that reaction so my sexy-turned-confused smile remained plastered on my face.

"Boo," Jake mumbled, allowing me in.

"What's the matter? Don't you like the outfit?"

"The outfit is great, Sophia."

I followed him to the living room where he sat and I stood before him. "Hey, you're kind of throwing me off here." I started fixing my clothes, fidgeting with my top, baring my midriff. Did he have bad experiences with cheerleaders?

Jake tilted his head this way and that, hesitant.

"What?" I shrugged, urging him.

He sighed. "I don't like Halloween."

My mouth gaped open. "You don't like Halloween?" He shook his head. "Why?"

Halloween is one of my favourite times of the year. Allusions to Day of the Dead is just amazing. Beyond thoughtful. In loving memory, in another way. I know some people love Halloween. I know some people like Halloween. But I've never met anyone that's hated Halloween.

"It's just a stupid Holiday."

"It's supposed to be fun."

"Fun scaring the shit out of people. Give me nightmares for a week. I'm glad I have a doorman but I've been rejecting high-end kids with gilded pacifiers all night long because I don't have any chocolate."

I shrugged, sitting down next to him. "It's not just about the chocolate."

"It's just stupid. Who volunteers to be scared?" he scrunched his face.

"It's just..." my voice trailed off as I began to piece the pieces of the puzzle together. It was all coming together nicely, into a neat box with a silk, Halloween blood-spotted ribbon. Could it be? Could he—?

"You're afraid of Halloween," I said.

Jake turned away and then back. "No, no, no—"

"Oh my God," I covered my mouth with my hands. "You're afraid of Halloween?"

"Sophia..." he whined, "don't laugh..."

"Aww," I leaned forward, pushing my breasts up against his chest and putting on a sexy girl tone, "you're not seriously scared are you?"

He peered down at me. "Umm..."

"Because—" I rubbed his thigh— "Halloween is my favourite."

"It's mine too."

I smiled. "And it's so fun to dress up."

"Did I mention how sexy you look?"

I brought my lips to his ear. "You know one of the reasons why Halloween is just the best?"

A bulge began to form in his jeans. "Why?" he breathed.

"Because I can have an orgasmic scream however loud I want. Without interference."

He gulped. "That sounds good."

I stood and began backing away into his bedroom. "Follow me, and I'll show you what's good."

Jake sprinted and made it to the bedroom before me. Happy Halloween indeed!

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