Used To Love

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"Tell me then," he purred onto the skin of my trembling neck.

"I can't do it like this," I breathed, still under his spell.

He chuckled and the light flutters gently tapped my shoulder. "Tell me after then." He slid his hand down below my stomach and cupped me. "I want you now."

I moaned and shook my head. Pulled forward and hunching out of his embrace. "Stop. Stop. Stop. Please?"

I felt his hands smooth off of me. "What's wrong?"

I turned around. "Nothing big. I don't think. I just want to be able to look at you and tell you."

"Fine," he shrugged, "tell me."

"I know we agreed on exclusivity but I kind of, I kind of..."

Jake nodded, urging me on. "Had a mishap?"


Jake smiled and moved forward to kiss me. "I guess we're even then. Now, where was I?"

"Jake, it's my ex-boyfriend."

Jake froze his lips on my neck and groaned. "An ex?" I nodded. "An ex with a lot of history I'm assuming?" I nodded. He cleared his throat and his jaw ticked agitatedly. "An ex with whom you used to love?"

"It was only one time."

Jake sighed. "So what's going to happen now?"

"I—I don't know."

"This is something I don't want to get into. I don't want to get in between the two of you."

I looked down and nodded. "I understand."

"Which is why I want to tell you to ditch the fucker."

I shot my head up. "Umm, what?"

His Name Is Jake SaundersWhere stories live. Discover now