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"Wait, wait, wait," I said quickly, smiling and watching JJ walk over Jake's back. "Don't move."

"Is he going for it?" Jake said, his head over a pillow, his arms in a triangle shape underneath and his head turned my way.

"He is; he's so cute!"

JJ waddled over Jake's back, making his way up on Jake's shoulder until finally losing his balance and tripping, bobbing his head spastically as he tumbled.

"Aww," I picked up JJ. He started yelping and wagging his tail, biting my fingers again and running around.

"Do you like him?" Jake asked, leaning back to lie on his side, exposing his bare, rippled chest as he propped his elbow on the pillow, holding his head up.

"He's adorable," I tried saying without getting too excited. "How can you not love dogs, you know?"

Jake nodded, patting the pup that sat in between my crossed legs, licking my calf. I was wearing my purple bra and black underwear, with a little silk, red, kimono on top.

"Yeah, he is pretty cute."

I giggled. "He's tickling me."

Jake chuckled, drawing his hand back and resting it on the pillow. "Do you want him?"

"Of course I want him," I scratched the panting pup.

"Keep him, then."

I looked at Jake and rolled my eyes. "Yeah, sure, I'll just keep him."

"Why not?"

I lifted my brows. "Have you forgotten that this pup belongs to your friend?"

Jake smiled. "You really think they would name it Jake Junior if it did?"

I paused, thought for a moment at how I could miss that, and then shrugged slowly. "Well, maybe they really admire you."

Jake chuckled. "I bought him on the way here. I thought you might like him."

"A gift?" Jake nodded. I gulped, furrowing my brows and looking down. JJ rested his head over my calf for a moment, before straightening up and climbing out of my crossed legs. "Why?"

He shrugged. "Why not?"

I rattled a little laugh. "Umm, it's kind of out of the blue."

"Well," he watched the dog stumble away and out of the room, "I was thinking of keeping him to myself, but then I saw how happy you are with him."

I blushed, feeling warmth freckle my lifted cheeks. "You saw how happy I was?" I asked, looking down.

He nodded, bringing his fingers to my cheek and stroking one side. "Yeah," he bit his bottom lip, "I like making you happy."

He brought his thumb down to my lips, before leaving my face as I chortled humourlessly. "You say that to a lot of girls you sleep with?"

He shook his head, barely offended by my question. "No."

"How many puppies have you gifted to the girls you slept with?"


"How many gifts?"

He sighed. "A few."

"You are Jake Saunders after all." His jaw ticked. I don't know why I was beginning to feel angry, but I think he could feel it simmering as much as I did. "Don't I feel special? Is this payment for my services?"

He shuffled closer, placing a hand on my inner thigh. "Don't be ridiculous." I know I was. I looked away, confused at what we were. What was I to him? He lowered his lips onto my thigh, the tickles nearly making me fall asleep, and looked back up. "Don't be afraid, too."

"Afraid?" I huffed through my nose, pushing his hand away. "Afraid of what exactly? You?"


"Us, what?" I asked through gritted teeth, becoming exponentially and visibly angry.

"My making you happy. I like it. I want to keep doing it."

"What are you doing, Jake?" I shook my head. He looked down. I repeated the question, "What are you doing? What do you want from me?"

He looked up. "I don't know."

I sighed. "I know you don't love me, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't act like you did. Like I was all to yourself all of a sudden just because I slept with you a few times."

He straightened up, shaking his head and facing me. No space between our warm bodies. "That's not the case!"

"Then what is it?" I raised my voice. "Why are you sleeping with me? Why are you here? Why have you gifted me a puppy!?" Not even my closest friends would think of such a gift.

"Why do you need all those questions answered?" He was just as bewildered as I was.

"Because I need to know before you break my fucking heart again, Jack!"

His Name Is Jake SaundersWhere stories live. Discover now