"You want a little help?" Liam asked me. I turned and saw that he was one step above me.

"Only if you want. I think that I can make it up rest of the way." I told him. The truth was, the cast was heavy and it hurt when I slid it up the stairs. Liam then got below me and picked me up. I grabbed my crutches. He then took an unexpected step. I grabbed on to him.

"I got you." He whispered. He took me to my room. He set me on my bed and looked at me.

"So you are really moving in with them." He stated.

"I guess that I am." I told him. He sat next to me and sighed.

"I hope that you are happy with them. I can see that they really respect you, with the way that they stick up for you." He told me.

"I hope that I will be too. Liam, I need your honest opinion." I told him.

"I will give it to you." He said. I inhaled and exhaled slowly.

"My cuts, do they make me less attractive? Would you be afraid of me, if you didn't know me?" I asked him. He shook his head and grabbed my hand.

"I am not going to answer those questions. They are there and it is up to you, what they are." He told me. He then kissed my hand and left me, in my room.

I sat there and thought about what he said. He was right. They are here and I choose what they will be. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I saw them and it hurt me to look at them. I took my clothes off and I left the bathroom and started to pack my stuff.

I put my suitcase on my bed and I threw my clothes either in it or near it. I put on a t shirt. I kept the pants that I was wearing, on. I kicked my shoes on my bed. It was pretty epic. I then sat on my bed and folded the clothes. Once I got them in, I emptied the bathroom.

I got everything in my suitcase and my purse. I placed my jacket on my arms. I was sad that I was leaving. I was lucky to spend time with my cousin. It was nice. I decided to go to Louis's room. I walked in and I looked around. He wasn't in there.

I looked at his dresser and he had a picture of him and Ella. The two of them were cute. He was her first kiss. I smiled and saw that there was a picture of the three of us.

It was taken last year. Louis had finished a concert in Doncaster and he gave us backstage passes. It was the three of us hugging, before he went on stage.

"That was one of the best memories of her." Louis said. I gasped and looked at him.

"I didn't mean to snoop. I just wanted to talk with you." I told him. He smiled and sat on his bed.

"Did you love her?" I asked him. He looked at me and he looked broken.

"Yeah, I did. I love El, too." He told me.

"Okay, I just wanted to know. I am going to get Max to pick me up. Is that okay?" I asked him.

"No, let me take you." He said. I smiled and nodded my head.

"That would be great. Get dressed and I will let them know. By the way, is it okay if I get my mom to send some stuff to here?" I said.

"Yeah, that's fine. It will give me a reason to see you." He told me. I then left his room and went back to mine.

I pulled out my phone and texted Max that Louis would be taking me to his place. He said that it was good with them. They were putting up the drywall, anyway. I then called my mom. I asked her to send some of my photos, my jewelry, some books, and my papers. I told her to send them to Louis's house. She was sad but happy that I wasn't coming back home. She knew that it was time for me to leave, but I was her little girl.

"You ready to go?" Louis asked me. I got off of my bed and put my phone in my purse. We walked to the stairs and he placed the mattress down for me. We sat on it and slid down.

"Alright, Cara is leaving! We are going to see you, right?" Louis said out loud. Everyone came over to us.

"Of course I will!" I told them. Liam and Danielle gave me a hug, first. Then Zayn and Perrie have me a hug. They told me that they were going to text me. Then Harry have me a hug. He told me that he would always be there. Niall ended up coming with Louis and I, so he didn't give me a hug, at the house.

Louis put my suitcase in his trunk and Niall helped me into the car. We drove to their place and I saw Kelsey, Emer, and Jay waiting outside for me. They waved at us and we got out of the car. We went inside and Louis and Niall were impressed of our house.

"So this is where you are now living?" Louis said as he set my suicase inside of the house.

"Yep, this is our home." Jay said as he looked around.

"It is nice." Niall complimented. I looked to see the guys come down the stairs with paintbrushes and rollers. They were wearing really old clothes that had panit on them. Tom and Max had some gold-brown paint on them and Siva and Nathan had light purple.

"What were you guys doing?" I asked them.

"We were painting the rooms. What color do you want your's to be?" Tom said as he threw his brush in the sink.

"We can talk about that later." Kelsey said to him. He sighed and walked over to us.

"Well I guess that we will see you later, Cara." Louis said. I looked at Niall and him.

"You will." I told him. Louis then took a step into me and gave me a hug.

"Call me, whenever you need to." He whispered to me. He then broke our hug and kissed my forehead. He walked to the door and waited for Niall.

"Cara, I will always be here for you." Niall said as he hugged me.

"I know. Thanks, for that." I told him. He smiled and walked out the door with Louis. I turned and looked at everyone who was standing there.

"So what are we doing?" I asked them.

"we are painting the bedrooms, but first we have to wash the brushes." Nathan said as he walked to the kitchen. I then went to the kitchen. I, somehow, beat him and stood between him and the sink.

"No, let me do that. I can't go up the stairs and I want to help. At least let me do this." I told him. He sighed and walked away. I turned to the sink and took off my jacket. I started to wash the brushes. I then heard someone walk over to me. I looked up and I saw that Max was standing there.

"Can you dry them?" I asked him. He smiled and grabbed a towel. He stood there, for a while, in silence.

"There is an award show that we are going to, tomorrow. Would you like to come with us?" He finally said. I kept washing the brush and I looked at my arms.

"No, I think that I should stay home." I told him. He then grabbed my shoulder. I looked at him.

"You can wear what you want. We can take you shopping. It is okay." He told me. I sighed and looked at the brushes and the paint that was washing off into the sink.

"Wouldn't it be weird, if my enitre body is covered?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"I don't care what it would be. I just want you to be happy. I thought that you would enjoy going." He said.

"Thanks, but I could stay here with Emer." I told him.

"Emer is going to be at Kelsey's mum's place." He corrected me.

"Max, I don't think that this is the time for me to be going anywhere." I explained to him. He nodded his head and shut the water off.

"As long as you are happy, I am happy." He then kissed my head. He took the brush away from me and dried it off. We set them on the counter, to air dry and we went into the living room.

"Should Cara come with us to the award show?" Max said as we walked in. If I had lasers coming out of my eyes, his head would have exploded. The guys said yes. They awnted me to come. Meanwhile Nareesha and Kelsey stayed quiet.

"That is up to Cara. I think that she knows what is best for her." Nareesha said. I smiled at her to let her know that I was thankful for her saying that.

"Hey, let's let her get moved in, before we start forcing her to boring award shows." Jay said. We laughed and I sat on the couch next to him.

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