11 ; wolfsbane cupcakes

Start from the beginning

"Okay, now I wanna go home!" Jackson shouted, right as Lily arrived, grabbing his arm and dragging him away from her father.

"I've got him," she told him, even though the Sheriff was giving her an unimpressed look about the fact that she left the car when she wasn't supposed to. He didn't call her out though because he knew he'd probably have to deal with Jackson Whittemore if he did and it was much easier for him to let Lily talk to him and calm him down. Lily parted slightly from everyone, her hands on Jackson's arm as she hissed, "Calm down."

"What the hell do you mean?" he replied.

"I mean that my dad is just trying to do his job and you're doing nothing but adding crap to his plate," Lily glared at him, "I know that what you went through was probably super freakin' traumatic but that doesn't give you the right to take it out on everyone else!"

"No you don't get it," Jackson responded.

"What? What the hell are you talking about Jackson?" she frowned.

"That wasn't a mountain lion, Lily," he whispered, causing her to freeze nervously. Did he know? Had he seen the werewolf? "I don't know what it was but it wasn't a mountain lion," he told her.

Lily bit her lip, opening her mouth to say something in response but coming up with nothing. She couldn't tell him. She couldn't involve him any of this but how was she supposed to keep it secret when everyone else sucked at hiding it? It had been hard enough to explain why Derek had gotten into her jeep the previous day - she'd told him that Derek was Scott and Stiles' friend, which only gave him more questions but she pretended like she didn't know the answers to those. Now she was going to have to pretend that Jackson was just traumatised when really, he was figuring out the truth.

Luckily for her, she never had to lie as her brother shouted, "Oh, whoa, is that a dead body?" This caused her father to glare at him, shouting for everyone to back up and make room and trying to clear the crowd away. It was weird how many people were interested in seeing this. Eyes following the gurney, Lily blinked, turning back to Jackson. He looked exhausted and absolutely freaked out.

"Were you hurt?" she asked, eyeing him in concern.

"No, I just hit my head," he sighed.

"You should get that checked out," she told him, "I know you wanna go home and I get that but you could have a concussion which could lead you to die in the night - dramatic I know but also very possible."

Jackson laughed but it sounded strained, "When you phrase it like that."

"Want me to stay with you?" Lily offered, a gentle smile on her face.

He looked as though he was seriously considering it but glancing back at the ambulance, shook his head, "Thanks but I think Lydia might need me right now."

This was one of those rare times that Jackson actually showed his feelings for someone else and didn't seem like a selfish asshole. She wished that others could see this side of him but knew that most saw the side he'd shown her father earlier. Sighing, she nodded, "Okay, don't hesitate to call me or let me know if you need anything."

"When do I ever hesitate to do that stuff?" Jackson rolled his eyes.

Lily laughed, "Whatever, Whittemore. Also, if I hear that you've been giving anyone a hard time after I leave, you and I are gonna fight, okay?"

Jackson pulled a face, obviously feeling like a kid being scolded by his mother. "Okay," he nodded. Lily patted his shoulder - as close as they were, they never really hugged or anything, she wasn't really sure why - before heading back to the police car. She opened the door, nudging her brother along so that she could sit at the window rather than in the middle. He grimaced but did so without struggle.

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