Chapter 32

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It's already time to go to the mansion. Sebastian, Ciel and I are inside the carriage heading toward the Hyouka mansion. I was a long journey to the mansion, but we soon find ourselves in front of the Hyouka mansion, and of course the mansion looked amazing.

So we entered the mansion and inside there's a big chandelier hanged up on the wall, the windows are huge so a lot of light could come inside, the walls are painted brown, the stairs are made of wood just like the ones you would find in Japan.
But I cannot see that man anywhere. The hall of course are filled with people.

Then a servant came toward us.
"You must be Earl Ciel Phantomhive, please forgive the master, he hasn't come down yet, but please enjoy the party until he arrives." The the man bowed and left.

"So I guess we should, just look around."
"I think that would be good idea, Sebastian if there are something not hesitate."
"Yes, my lord."
So we ended up walking around the hall, Ciel went to meet some other guests, Sebastian and I also accompanied him. But suddenly I heard a sound, the sound rings in my head and I feel entrance by it, and suddenly my feets move on their own. 

After a few steps, I found myself in a garden. The garden looked just like a garden you would find in Japan. But then something caught my eyes, it's a cherry blossom tree. It looked older and huge, the petals are dancing in the wind. Then I felt someone behind me and I turned around to see a man with long blonde hair, it went down to his hips and he's wearing a light and dark blue kimono, his eyes are blue and is looking at me.

But I suddenly felt frozen in place, I can't speak, I can't move.
And he slowly came toward me, I felt my whole body shaking. And then he wrapped his shawl on me, then he slowly stroke my cheek softly, his eyes are gazing at me, then he said something that brings me back to reality.....

"My Sakura maiden." My eyes shot open, and I realize that this man, is the man in my dream. I tried to call Sebastian but I couldn't, then he slowly came closer. 'No!' I closed my eyes tightly. But then Sebastian appears, swinging his knife at the man. His back is facing me, protecting me from the man.

"I see that the master of the house has come, Hyouka Rikotetsu." So this man is Hyouka Rikotetsu.

"Hmph, I take it you are a servant of the Earl Phantomhive."
"Yes that is correct, I am Sebastian Michaelis, butler of the Phantomhive manor."

"Please do refrain from interrupting my encounter with my Sakura maiden." Sebastian glared at him.
"Unfortunately she is not yours. She's mine." There's a heavy atmosphere surrounding Sebastian, and I held his hand trying to calm him down.

"You do have your mother's face." He smiled at me.
"H-how did you know my mother?"

"I see she never told you, or didn't had the chance. Your mother used to live in my family's mansion, She was kept prison in her 'cage' and I offend visited her. But then one night she was taken by your father and ever since that day I learned for her, and eventually I found her, already married to that man who took her away from me, and she had gave birth to a child, a weak child.
After that day I approach your father, and of course he wasn't happy to see me. He sent me away and told me to never lay a sight on her and you. And I made a vow to take your mother and you away from him. By all means."

"Does that even included killing my father,  burned down my house?!" I raised my voice at him.
"I can assure you, I did no such thing." He said it so serious, I can't believe what I heard.
"What are you talking about?! Are you saying that you weren't the one who killed them?!"
"I mean exactly what I said."
"T-then w-who did it?"
"I don't understand, why was my family killed in the first place?!"
"Of course, people would come and assassinate your family."
"And why is that?! If you know something then tell me!" I raised my voice at him and took out my sword, demanding some answers. But he just smirked.

"Because you are not human, my dear." My eyes shot open in shock.
"W-wh-what do you mean? I am not human?" And he nod his head.
"Your mother was an immortal being with great power, a power to heal any injuries even an incurable disease, your mother was quite attractive to both humans and demons, your father happened to be an oni (a demon from Japan) one with great strength. Because of the chaos that happened all because of your mother, he went to kill her, but unfortunately he fell for her, and took her away from me. And in the end she gave birth to a child. With your mother and father's combined power, you are an even more powerful being than the two of them."

"I-I can't believe it, y-you're lying." I said as I made my hand into a fist.
"Does your wounds healed quicker than normal humans? Do you have incredible speed and strength?" I have nothing to say.
"Even your name and your sword proves it."
"T-that still doesn't p-prove anything." Then he sighs.

"If you still refuse to acknowledge it, then.." His eyes begins to turn gold, his hair turned white and a bluish aura emerge from him and surrounding us. Then I felt something inside me, then I looked at my hair and in shock. My hair turned white just like him and And my eyes turned gold just like him.
"Now do you understand, you are not a human." He said with a prideful smile.
"I......I......." I felt my whole body tremble and suddenly Sebastian took my sword from my hand and held me close.

"You are talking to a maid of the Phantomhive manor, there weren't any human there in the first place, I will not let you hurt her on my sight." Sebastian said as he glared at him, and Hyouka stopped what he was doing. And our eyes and hair came back to normal.

"Sebastian......I-I refuse to stay with you!" I said to Hyouka.
"Humph, how disappointing." Then he begins to walk away "But remember this my Sakura maiden, I will come and get you someday, and there is one more thing I forgot to tell you."
"You're mother may be gone, but she never left. She sacrificed herself for you that night and since then she has been sleeping inside of you." Then he disappeared in thin air.

Then I fell to the ground and Sebastian came to my aid.
"Are you alright, Haruka?" Then I felt tears began to roll down my cheeks and I cried in his chest. For a few moments we stayed like that and eventually I fall asleep from mourning.

Sebastian's POV;
Haruka had cried in my chest and had fallen asleep, it would seem I will have to take her back along with the young master.
"That man, Hyouka. I will never let him take you away!" Then I went back toward inside.

Then on the stairs outside the hall, I found the young master, and when he saw us he ran toward us, his eyes looked worried as he looked at Haruka.

"Young master, I think it is best if we leave."
"You're right, let's go back." So I carried the young master on my back and I rushed back toward the mansion.

The Dark blossom (Black butler fanfic ~*(Sebastian x reader (Japanese Girl)))Where stories live. Discover now