Chapter 2

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Your POV's;
I was alone in the dark, I don't know where I am, wherever I look I only see darkness, but I'm not scared, I am already living in the dark ever since 'that day'. But this feeling it feels like my body is on fire, 'It's too hot!' I scream in my head and close my eyes shut hoping to lessened the pain, but when I open my eyes I see that I'm inside my burning house, now all of the memories of that night that I tried so hard to bury begins to burst in my head. "Ahhhhhhhgg" I scream from the top of my lungs, Then I see it the most horrible thing, My father and mother's body on the ground, their blood was everywhere, making a pool of blood surrounding their lifeless body. I begin to shake fear and anger washes over me at the sight of my parents body, I felt sick. Then I felt a presence behind, and when I turn around a hand reached for my throat and started choking me, I tried breathing for but the hand wasn't letting me. ' you!' I shout in my head, I couldn't see the person's face.
As I began to fall unconscious a voice called for me. "Miss! Miss! Please wake up! Wake UP!"

Then My eyes shot open, light begins to shine over my face and I twitch at the sudden light on my eyes, and when my eyes are use to the light, I can see a girl with big-round glasses and red hair, 'Who is she? From her clothes I think she's a maid.' "Ummm... miss are you alright?" The maid ask then I shot up and realize that I'm in a room, and a big one at that.

"Um.. Where am I?" I ask "Oh you're at the Phantomhive manor miss, yes you are." The maid said " Oh...umm how did I get here? 'I remember passing out and....That's right there was a man, I remember now!'", "Ohhh, Mr. Sebastian brought you here, yes he did!", "Ummm by any chance does he have black hair and red eyes?", "Yes that's him, yes it is!". 'Huhhh so his name is Sebastian....I better thank him for saving me.'

When I got up from the bed I realized that the clothes I'm wearing are different, "Umm.. Why is my clothes..-?" "Ohhh Mr. Sebastian changed it for you because it was covered in dirt and he asked me to wash it for you, Ah here you go it's all clean!" Then she hand me my clothes it smells so lovely, then a realization strike me, HE CHANGED MY CLOTHES!!!, then I feel heat rising up my face, H-h-he saw me ?! I know that my cheeks must be bright red from the embarrassment,

"Um..Miss-uhh I haven't ask your name yet." "Ohh my name is Mey-rin, yes it is!", "Ohhh then miss Mey-rin-" "No no no please don't call me miss, just call me Mey-rin miss...?" , "Oh my name is Haruka Yukimura, but please call me Haruka, Mey-rin." "Alright the Haruka! By the way it's such a lovely name" she smiled. Then I give her a smile.

So I told her I wanted to change my clothes, but she wants to watch how I dress myself with a Kimono, so I showed her how to dress myself. After I finished Mey-rin exits my room, she told me to wait for her to come and escort me to see the 'young master'. And after a few minutes she came back and we head down the long corridor, I'm fascinated by this large mansion.

Then we came to a stop in front of a huge wooden door, she knocked the and says "Young master the guest has arrived." And there's a short mumble from the other side "come in" then she open the door revealing a room and inside there's a boy about 13th years old and wearing an eyepatch over his right eye and a man that has black hair, 'wait it's him!' Mr. Sebastian the one who saved me and changed my clothes!' So I walk inside the room and the door is close.

Then the boy started to speak,
"How are you feeling?" Was the first thing that came out of his mouth. "Oh yes I feel much better, thank you for your hospitality, I am grateful Lord Phantomhive." I bow.
Then I turn my gaze at Mr. Sebastian, which he sees me as well and give a smile, a fake smile.

"So Miss, I would like to ask you some questions." His big blue eye is gazing at me intently, "And I would like you to speak truthfully." I can feel the intensity in his eye, and also the butler's eyes watching my every actions.

The Dark blossom (Black butler fanfic ~*(Sebastian x reader (Japanese Girl)))Where stories live. Discover now