Chapter 6

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Your's POV:
As I am making breakfast for the young master I realized that Baldroy, Finny and Mey-rin are standing beside the door looking at me, "Morning everyone did you sleep well last night, then Baldroy and Finny's face turns red, "G-good morning M-miss Haruka. You're up early." finny said while blushing, Mey -rin on the other hand is smiling brightly and came over to me. "Wooooowww Haruka you are so pretty yes you are!" "Ohhh thank you Mey-rin." I blush at the compliment, then Baldroy coughs getting our attention, "So Haruka, Sebastian said that you're the one who's preparing the young master's breakfast." "Yep that's right." Then I showed them my meal. And after a few minutes pass of explaining the dishes to the three of them Sebastian enters the kitchen. And a look of amusement on his face, "My I must you do know how to cook, and it's all warm food, just right for the young master's fever."
Fever? "Wait, he has a fever? But yesterday he was fine." " True he was fine yesterday but he stayed up late working. *sigh* I must say he's sometimes quite a handful. Well now let's get this meal to the young master shall we Haruka?" "Yes sir!". So I head to the young master's room with Sebastian carrying the food on the cart. When we arrived a short mumble answer the knock, "come in", then I saw the young master's flush face and heavy eyelid, his still wearing the eyepatch."Thank you for waiting young master, your breakfast is ready, and I will let Haruka explain the dish." "Huh? Why her?" "Well young master for one reason she's the one who cooks your breakfast. Then the young master's eye shot open and his cheeks become redder, "I-I see then, hurry up." He said looking annoyed.
"For breakfast we have Zosui a soup containing rice stewed with egg, meat, seafood, mushroom, and flavoured with soy sauce. And miso soup made with miso dissolved in dashi, containing two types of solid ingredients,seaweed and vegetables. And for dessert we have a warm sweet red bean dumpling. Then I can see that the young master's eyes are wide open, as if he never saw food like this. " Well I hope you enjoy your meal young master." Then he he begins eating the dishes "the porridge is good alright and the soup is also good. And as for this 'dumplings'." Then he bites one of the dumplings, "It's sweet, red bean is it?" "Uh yes". "Well the food is a start proving you are worthy becoming a maid for the Phantomhive manor." Then he liked, ALRIGHT! I smile brightly, Then he tells me to leave because he needs to have a word with Sebastian privately.

Ciel's POV;
As soon as Haruka left my room, Sebastian gives me a mocking grin, "It is quite rare for you to compliment a dish young master." "Shut up. None of your business, so do you have any clues about the murderer?" "I'm afraid nothing has come up yet young master, we simply need to keep searching." "Fine", then I lay myself on my bed, "I want to sleep now, you can leave, wake me in the afternoon." "Yes young master. Please rest." Then as Sebastian left my room, I thought about Haruka, 'Huh, revenge for her family's death, home burnt by a fire, sold and forced to become a slave for a wretched man, willing to do anything to achieve her goal, almost like me, but there is still a different between us..... that smile, I can never smile that honestly ever again." At that thought I slowly drift to sleep.

Sebastian's POV;
As soon as I left the young master's room, I am surprised that Haruka was able to make the young master reacted like before, 'She is interesting' as I am thinking this, I suddenly heard a loud blast coming from the kitchen, *sigh* what a bother, that idiot. And so I made my way to the kitchen, when I arrived, what I am seeing is quite unbelievable indeed, Haruka is cleaning the kitchen quite skillfully, while Baldroy is lifting some of the fallen kitchen tools with a big bump on his head, I figure it must be Haruka's doing, because every time he glance over at Haruka, He shivers in fear, and continues to work. After a few moments pass, she finally realize my presents and went over to me." So how did I do, Mr.butler?" She said with a grin.
I chuckle " Very good indeed, but I cannot imagine you can do such a thing." "Hmph, a maid that cannot do this much isn't worth her salt, right Sebastian?" With a wide grin she said that to me,What she just said triggers something inside of me, and as she left my side I feel my eyes turning to it's fuchsia color,'Haruka Yukimura, you are truly interesting indeed." I want to know her better, I want to keep her from everyone's sight, what is this feeling. No I cannot feel Love, impossible. And with that I returned to my duties.

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