Chapter 28

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Your's POV;
I was walking with Ciel and Alois a moment ago, now I can't seem to find them anywhere even Sebastian and Claude aren't here. I sigh, so I went to a corner and watch the ball in front of me, then suddenly someone pats my shoulder, it was Mr. Grey.
"Hello there, what are you doing here? I thought you were with Earl Phantomhive."
"Oh haha I got separated while we were meeting with some nobles."
"Oh well do you want me to accompany you for the night  until you find Earl Phantomhive of course." He said as he led out his hand, well he is one of the Queen's servants so I better accept his offer, I don't want Ciel's reputations get bad.

So Mr. Grey and I talked, but then he asked me,
"So what's it like working for the Earl Phantomhive? It must be hard to work for him, I heard his quite hostile."
"No he is kind and gentle master, yes he is quite strict sometimes but that is just because he is the Earl of the Phantomhive." Mr. Grey looks at me amused, and he smirked.

"So acknowledged him as the Queen's 'Guard Dog' and Your master?"
"Yes that's correct, I cannot think of anyone else as my master other than Ciel Phantomhive."
"Hmph you are quite the loyal one are you?" Then he takes my chin with his fingers,

"You're an interesting one are you? Why don't you abandon you're work at the Phantomhive and work here?" I feel a slight anger in me, how can he say that, I almost wanted to slap him but then Sebastian appears.
"Ah Haruka there you are I had been looking for you."
"Oh Sebastian sorry I got seperated from the young lords."
"Well then let's go back shall we? And thank you for taking care of her, Mr. Grey."
Then we begin walking away from Mr. Grey,

"Are you alright Haruka?"
"No, no I'm not. That jerk! He maybe one of the Queen's servants but he doesn't have the right to judge Ciel like that! And what was his deal about me quitting my job at the manor and come work here, he doesn't even know why I'm in London in the first place! He's lucky that you showed up or else I would've already kicked his ass!"

Sebastian chuckles hearing my complaints.
"Well he does have an interesting character."
"Interesting? No way, the right word is 'annoying and selfish'."
Then suddenly we heard one of the servants talked,

"What are we going to do, Mr. Potter cannot come because his wife is ill, and we needed a piano performance."
Then Sebastian whispers to my ear,
"Why don't you volunteer my dear." "What no way, I couldn't!"
Then he pulled me to one of the servants,
"Excuse me, this young lady is quite the pianist, please let her play."
"I'm sorry sir, but we can't guarantee her performance, this is the Queen's ball, and if there is a slight mistake-" before one of the man finished Sebastian cuts in,
"I can assure you that her skills are incredible."
"Who do you think you are anyway?!" "Oh dear me, please forgive me, I am the butler of the Earl Ciel Phantomhive, the Queen's 'Guard Dog'."
"Let her play!" Suddenly Ciel appears along with Alois and Claude, the servants froze.
"Ohhh ahhh Earl Phantomhive if you say that her skills are incredible, we will let her, p-please Miss step up to the stage."

"O-okay." I get up to the stage, and I see the Queen. Oh boy I cannot screw up for Ciel and Sebastian!
Then I take a seat at the piano. Then the man almost get up the stage but Sebastian quickly takes his place,
"Ladies and Gentleman, we will have an extraordinary performance from Miss Haruka Yukimura. Please enjoy."
Before he steps down he gave me a smile, that only made my resolve more powerful, okay stay calm......

I took a deep breath and start playing, a beautiful melody comes out every time my fingers land on a key, I imagine myself get so carried away that I can't seem to focus on the people staring at me, I play without care in the world, as each melody flows from the touch of my fingers.

Sebastian's POV;
She is amazing, she's playing without a care in the world only the music and herself exist, I look at the audience and they all stared in awe at her performance and so does the servants, the young master and Alois seems to be amazed by her.
"I did not think you would fall for this girl, Sebastian Michaelis." Claude said and I glare at him, but I didn't care to punch him, I want to enjoy her beautiful melodies.
And as soon as the music stops, the audience clapped their hands and Haruka has a bright smile on her face, and suddenly I find her embracing me.

The Dark blossom (Black butler fanfic ~*(Sebastian x reader (Japanese Girl)))Where stories live. Discover now