Chapter 20

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Haruka is walking towards the manor, her eyes showed no life inside her, she just walks back to the manor she protected dearly, then she stops, tears begins to roll down her cheeks, she crumpled to the floor sobbing, for a minute she just sit there sobbing, remembering her horrible past,
Haruka's Flashback;
"You wretched woman, how dare you defy me!" The man said kicking one of his maid on the stomach,
"STOP! Please don't hurt her!" Then a younger Haruka walks in and defend the maid.
"Out of my way you brat! Or do you want me to punish you instead?!" The man screamed at Haruka. Then she kneeled down to let her 'master' punish her, the maid just stares at her in tears.
"Hm! No I have other things I want you to do, and if you agree to do it, I will let Yuriko go." The man said with a devilish smirk,
Then the maid Yuriko steps in " Please I beg of you master, she's still too young!" She begged
"Shut your mouth Yuriko!" He then slaps her on the cheek hard,
"I'll do anything please just tell me!" Haruka bows her head deeply, the man then hands her a blade,
"You will kill, my retainer Yorito Hajime." Haruka was shocked at this, Yorito Hajime he's the man's butler, he was in his late 60 but he was against the man for hurting the servants and purchased them in the black market, Yorito was a kind man to all of the servants even Haruka, he helped Haruka train in the art of the sword and he took care of her after she was beaten up by the man. And since Yorito was against his master, the man decided to kill him.
It was nightfall, Haruka snuck into Yorito's room, and she saw he has already slept, Haruka took out the blade but before she could kill him,
"I didn't think he would send you, Haruka." Yorito said with a sad smile,
"Mr. Yorito please forgive me!" Then Haruka bows before him,
"No don't be Haruka, It's alright, he must have forced you to do it, didn't he?" He asked with a kind smile,
"H-how did you know you would be k-killed?" Haruka asked
"My dear I am old, and there is one thing I have not told you, I have cancer."
"I would have been dead soon, and if I could save a little girl's life with myself, than I have no regrets. Please live for me Haruka, protect your loved ones." He said with his kind smile that Haruka would never forget, int he next instant the blade found it's way to Yorito's heart and he soon died. Haruka looked at her bloody stained hands and she screamed and cried for the lost one of her loved one. And since that day Haruka dedicated herself to train even more to get revenge on the man and her parents murder.
-----------------------------------------------------Back in the future----------------------------------------------------------
Haruka continued to walk after sobbing for a while and she jumps into her room through the window, and she heads for the bath. After she washed herself, her clothes and her sword, she quickly changes into a different outfit and head downstairs to check on the young master's safety. When she got to the door of the dining room she saw the guest still eating happily, this made her sick and she saw the young master safe and well, she breathed a sigh of relief, soon she head back to her room to rest.
After a few minutes passed Haruka was lying down on her bed when she heard lord Cartwright's scream, she didn't bother to look at what's happening since she knew what kind of man he is, and continues to lie on the bed, and soon she fell asleep.

Sebastian's POV;
After I took care of lord Cartwrighter I noticed that Haruka was nowhere to be seen, this made me worried, after Mr. Lau left, I left the young master in his room, and head for Haruka's bedroom but before I could, I smell something.....blood, and a lot of it, then I head into the forest where the smell comes from, and when I get there, bodies of a death men are lying around, there are 1o or 15 of them, then I examine the bodies, they seem to be here for at least an hour ago,
Then I hear a noise and I turn around my body to meet two figures, it is the reapers.
"William T. Spears, and you too Grell, I see you have come to collect these men's souls."
"Yes that is quite true. And it would seem your report was correct Grell, this demon wasn't the one who killed these men." William said adjusting his glasses,
"Oh Sebas-chan you should have seen it, that beautiful Japanese, Oh her covered in the color of red, and the way she held her sword, Oh it was all stupendous!" Grell said, then I realized that he meant Haruka,
"So you saw the whole thing Grell, and you did nothing to stop her." I asked rage in my voice,
"Well what can I do, these men were going to die anyway, and she seem determined to protect the mansion anyway, and I wanted to see her painted in red!" Grell said,
"Now then will you please excuse us we must collect these souls and I do hate to delay my work." William said to me, and he starts at the man who had died last,
His childhood was shown, then a scene of him making a deal with lord Cartwright is shown, so it was him who ordered these men to kill the young master and Haruka found out, then a scene of his last moments is shown,
Haruka was there he screamed in fear, and,what he said to her was
"Y-you Demon!" Was what he said and from his point of view, Haruka looked really different, the girl I knew that was always happy, was replaced with a girl with no emotions in her eyes and anger was shown, the moon made her hair and brown-red look bright as day, and she looked astonishing to me, and she did not hesitated to kill the man, but what she said stroke something in me,
" A demon Huh? I guess I am."
After that I left the two of them to finish their work and head for Haruka's room, when I got there I can smell a faint smell of blood, so it was true. Then I came closer to Haruka, I took a strand of her hair from her face,
" have done something like this before have you not? I can see from those wounds, you did not hesitate to kill them, but what drives you to that extent Haruka, was it to protect the young master?" I said in a voice below a whisper, I cannot feel bad for this girl, even though I have just met her a few days ago, I have fallen for her and I cannot help but feel sad for her, and so to let her rest I kissed the top of her head and pulled the sheets over her. Then I head for the door and what she said still rang in my head ' a demon huh? I guess I am' then I looked back at her once more,
"Good night Haruka, my love."

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