I shook my head.

Train. I replied.


I hit my head a few times, trying to make the whiny little voice go away. I made a room in the arena and stepped into my room.


I sighed and sat down, having no intention to train. I would just avoid Victor's scolding for a while. I closed my eyes, and fell alseep, giving up to sleepiness.


Victor's POV

I guess I was angry when I saw him asleep in the the arena.

Somewhat sad also.

He was sick. Emotionally and physically. All he needed was some rest.

Not a competition. Patrols. Papers. Or a betraying wife.

I stared at him, crouched in front of him. He was drooling in his sleep, mumbling, twitching, and making sudden movements. I shook him awake lightly.
"Sleep in your room."
He yawned. "What time?"
"Six thirty."
His eyes opened wide. "But-"
I stood up, and he scrambled to stand up, rubbing his eyes.
"If you're tired, just sleep in your room."
"I'm not tired anymore." he said.
I stared at him, but I didn't believe him, I could imagine him dozing for the rest of the day.
"Go to sleep early."
"I'm going to check at 9."
He sighed.
He shrugged. "Not hungry."
I scowled. "Omega, you can't spend your whole day in the arena."
He mumbled something.
I frowned and grabbed his wrist, dragging him out of the arena and to the mess hall. I let go of his wrist and he followed me to the table. Sitting down where he was supposed to be, a plate of spaghetti appeared in front of him. He absent mindedly twisted his fork in it and a plate of fried rice appeared in front of me. The other leaders came to the table and we talked, and apparently there was something wrong with the borders.
"- more holes around." Beckendorf said. "It took some time fixing a hole." he glanced at Bianca. "The Iota team said it was something bigger that nearly took all the soldiers."
Bianca nodded. "About the arena.... Theres the competion and all."
All eyes turned to Percy.
"None of you guys are going out, right?"
"Of course." Silena said. "But...."
"You don't have to listen to Chaos about everything." Lee said.
"He's right. I have to... Kill them."
Lee frowned. "Percy, Chaos recommended you to. Nobody killed every soldier."
He didn't say anything for a moment.

"I know it's stupid. But I have to go back to Earth, and I want to keep things under control. Also, the soldiers coming out should expect it."

Everyone was silent.
".... Percy?" Silena asked.
He looked up slightly. "Yes?"
"Can I ask- can I ask you something about Annabeth?"
His grip of his fork tightened.
"Don't." I cut in.
Silena and Percy stared at me.
"You know it's rude."
"I know you don't want to hear anything about her again." I stared at both of them.
Silena nodded silently. Percy got up, and his plate dissapeared along with his fork and spoon.
"I'm going."

Another long silence.
"Silena." Lee warned.
"I know. I know." She dug her hands into her hair. "I just was crazy for a second."
Beckendorf patted her on the back. "Jut be careful next time."

"Be careful?"

I stood up arubptly.
"You're a daughter of Aphrodite. You should know- and you know what his fatal flaw is. You know it's hard for him. You shouldn't even take her name out in front of him." I snorted. "Can I ask you something about Annabeth? Really? You must have problems!"

Beckendorf stood up, towering over me.

"Be careful about what you say."

"What. I was wrong?"

He clenched his fist. "Really-"

"If you care one tiny bit about Percy, you shouldn't be laughing your f*cking as*es off with your lover in front of him and making out."

"Thats a little too much Victor."

"You might as well make him feel a little welcome!"

"Like we don't?"

"I didn't see any of you talk to him!"


"You know he hates the competition! He's just doing it for all of you guys because he knows everything- including you will fall if he steps away. And what. you don't have to listen to Chaos? Nobody killed every soldier? You think he doesn't know?!"

A fist to my face.

Food ws swept off the table and there were yells as they tried to pull Beckendorf off of me.
But Beckendorf was strong, and he was angry. He was yelling something as I struggled under him.

Suddenly, Beckendorf was thrown off of me. I scrambled up and saw Percy glaring at me.

"You had to pick a fight."


"You didn't have to punch him."

He shifted on his feet. "Commander-"

He sighed, rubbing his face. Chaos came from behind me and we all bowed slightly.
"Thanks for calling me." Percy said to Bianca." he let out a long sigh again.
"What happened?" Chaos asked. He glanced at me.
"I never knew Beckendorf would get in a fight."
I scowled, rubbing my jaw. Percy placed a hand on my shoulder.
"I was just saying that they shouldn't of said-"
"He was saying bad things about Silena-"
"He was overreacting!" Lee complained.
"Beckendorf did get himself in a fight." Bianca mused.
"But Victor was just making things up." Silena argued.
"He was being a little hysterical!" Beckendorf protested.
"Me? Well you can tell your girlfriend to-"


We shut up.
Percy took a deep breath.

"Victor. Apologize."

"What?! But-"

He threw his hands up in the air.

"Whatever." he glanced at Chaos behind him, looking amused.

"You figure it out."

He walked away, and Chaos smiled awkwardly.



Why Me?(Third book of Call me Omega)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora