Part 13 : birthday !

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" don't do it . they will get angry." " no they won't Mickey." " oh they're my otp" " do you even know what does that mean? " "of course! One true paring." " shut up they are waking up." " she is waking.shhh." " not just her Lu..." I sat on the bed.Calum's hand smashed to the bad.he was still sleeping." Can you just not wake me up with your conversations?" I asked rubbing my eyes. " no we cant." Luke said sitting on the chair and starting his works with his phone. How rude?!?"good morning to you too !" Ashton said." Sorry Ash I was angry.good morning boys."I said standing up.

"how was the cuddle?" Luke asked and his sentence stopped me from walking to the room's bathroom.i turned to he jealous ? if he is so ..." Perfect .it would be better if a crazy boy didn't fuck it up." Oops! I don't want another fight. So I continued walking but his question made me go and punch him in his dick! " what is your answer?" " haven't your mom teach you not to listen to other's conversations?" I asked.he stood up." Or maybe she did but you were a bad boy and didn't listen to her. Anyway you are rude now." I said looking up at him he was about 20 centimeters taller than me." You spoke loud and I wasn't sleeping. Suddenly." He whispered the last word." And you can show that you aren't sleeping so that we can find out there is rude boy listening to us." "hey please don't fight." Michael said." Wait Michael. Let me see how this bitch wants to slay me." I just did that because of that insult. I slapped him across the face .his face turned to left. I turned and went to bathroom.i locked the door beside myself.

I looked at myself in the mirror. It wasn't the real Rebecca. It was a hardhearted girl standing in front of me. why did I change into this bad Rebecca? I sat on the floor and hugged my knees and started crying.i heard someone knocking on the door but I didn't listen to him." look Rebecca im really soory.just come out okay? " it was Luke. He call me bitch and then wants to apology me? he is mad! He is driving me mad too.i didn't answer." Hey Rebecca.please come out. Please I need to talk to you.i know you are angry at me and you are going insane with all I have done to you but if you come out I will explain everything to you.okay? please." Hearing his voice like he was breaking into 100 pieces made my heart melt. I stopped crying and stood up." Please!" I washed my face and unlocked the door.he jumped and hugged me before I could go out.

I didn't hug him back.he put his hands on my face. I push them away and went out of the room.Calum waked." What are you guys doing? Where are you going babe?" I went out and slammed the door.i think Calum got sad but I was sadder than much as I wanted to smash my head to the fucking wall.i went downstairs.amd filled Calum's excuse's application and I wanted to pay for it." Don't pay when you are with a man." I turned and saw Calum.i smiled he was dressed up.the boys got some dresses for him. " good morning babe." I tuned to the clerk again.but he didn't let me pay and he paid himself. We went to the Café and sat next to each other.

We ordered 2 coffees and we were waiting for the Garson to come." So what happened when you went out of the room?" he asked.i told him everything.but not about my thoughts at the bathroom. because I don't know why or how but I like Luke I hate him but I like him. the Garson gave our coffees and we started drinking it. " so what is your answer ? have you thought about it enough?" he asked.i smiled." Yes I thought about it." I said even thought I didn't. I didn't have to think about it my answer is definitely yes." Yes I do." "that's great .thanks." he said with a happy voice and face." Thank you for being in my life and making me feeling happy and safe whenever im near you." I said putting my hand on his hand on the desk.( like Zayn in night changes!) " hey look the boys!"he said pointing at somewhere in my back.i turned and saw Michael and ash and the rude boy!" I will get your things that we could get out of here as soon as possible ." I said standing up I passed by Luke without looking at him.he is killing me!

~ a week later ~

Its been a week since Calum excused from the hospital and now he is alright.i know it because I talked to him all the week but I didn't see is Ashton's birthday.7th of july.Calum have just told me a second ago. He need a car so he can go to a mall and buy the presents. I got ready and went downstairs. "hey where are you going? Don't forget the breakfast!" Selena said." if You're trying to practice to be like the moms who are so serious about their children's breakfast , you're good at it." I said going to the kitchen and taking a toasted bread. She smiled.i cant believe im going to be aunt in 8 month.she is pregnant a 1 month baby. We sat on the chairs behind the table. "don't you want to marry Justin? " " what? " she asked scared." I mean you have a baby but you're not married. And I really need a wedding." I said taking another bite of my toaste. " we have talked about it but until we do everything for our wedding my stomach is here." She said doing the last part with body language. We both laughed. I stood up and said goodbye to her and went to the boy's house.

but Calum texted me that Luke will come with me. oh no! he came and sat in my car.hello to you too! I didn't say anything too.we went to the mall and bought the presents and I bought mines.Calum is really like a gentleman. He didn't let me pay in the hospital but Luke did. Shit the hell ! I don't care.i just talked to him for a really important question." Mmm ... can I bring Hazel and Selena too?" " who the hell is Hazel?" he asked without even looking at me.I took a deep breath because I didn't want a fight in the mall."my best friend." " hom" just it? Don't I deserve a yes? " why are you like this?" " I wanted to explain. You didn't want to." He is so rude! I don't get mad at how much im saying this word. "now tell me." " no girl! Just one chance! You should be more carful about your chosses!"he said in a happy voice.i rolled my eyes.i could see him grinning " Okay ! don't say! " and we didn't talk anymore.


I really love how Rebecca and Luke fight.i can handle these fights to be with Luke in the future. Thanks for reading.

-love , Bita

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