Welcome Little One

235 6 2

3 months
(Sorry for all the skipping)
Brendan's Pov
The then was getting closer any moment now and I could be holding my little one for the first time. I sat in the nursery with the changing bag packing it as a hospital bag while Louise napped. So far I had three onesies 3 hats 2 pairs of scratch mittens 3 boot stockings a cardigan a jumper  and a few bibs. I walked over to one if the drawers and took out four pacifiers five bottles which were all sterilised. Louise's mam had given us the steriliser. So now I ha a few onesies hats scratch mittens boot stockings carding and jumpers bibs pacifiers and bottles. I packed other baby essentials and things louise had left out and the hospital bag was done. He was due next week. 28 November 2015. I left the nursery with the changing bag and left it in the sitting room and walked into the kitchen and began to make myself a cup of tea. Not to long now until Christmas and ill be spending christmas with my new family. Kettle boiled tea poured I sat down at the kitchen table drinking my tea scrolling through my twitter mentions everyone asking how's louise, guessing the baby's gender and trying to guess it's name. I answered a few if the general ones like how I'm doing and what I'm up to. I put my mug and teaspoon in the dishwasher I was about to go watch television. As I walked into the sitting about to turn to TV on I heard louise screaming. I ran upstairs as fast as I could. I ran in to see louise in pain. I knew what was happening so I picked Louise up bridal style and got to my car as fast as I could. I placed Louise in the back and put the seat belt on her closed the door and ran back to the house grabbed the hospital bag ran out the door and locking the front door ran to the car opened the door got in closed the door put the hospital bag on the passenger seat put my seat belt on and off we were.
22nd November 2015 6:15pm
Eduardo Josh Murray (pic at top) was born on the 22nd November 2015 at 6:15pm to Louise Healy and Brendan Murray.
As I held my little boy for the first time I couldn't help but let a few tears fall. My own little boy my son Eduardo Josh Murray. I picked the name Eduardo as I really liked it and so did louise. Louise suggested Josh for the middle name as Josh is like a brother to her and he was apart of her life before me plus without him I probably wouldn't be with Louise and Eduardo probably wouldn't be here. Louise took my phone while I was holding Eduardo and took a picture of us and sent it to my family saying "welcome Eduardo Josh Murray". I then handed Eduardo to Louise to hold her son. As she held him I took a picture and sent it to her family with the same caption but I also sent it to Louis and Liam I told them to bring the lads here but don't tell then where there going or why and when they see the hospital tell them that I've hurt myself and you's are coming to check up. Louise's parents were coming up tonight around 8 mine were coming up tomorrow.

Joshes PoV
The lads called over to have a Fifa session Brendan didn't come because he wanted to go shopping. At 7 there was a knock at my door so I went to answer it. As I walked up to the door I answered it to see Louis and Liam standing there
"Josh get the lads cmon we need to go"
"Wait Louis what's going on"
At this stage all the lads walked out
"Brendan's hurt we need to go check on him
"Omg what ok one second let us get our shoes and jackets" we all ran into the sitting room turning off the TV and ps4 grabbing shoes and jackets it didn't help we were in our pyjamas. The lads all ran out to the taxi I grabbed the house keys turned off the lights and locked the door running to the car. It was Liam in the front with the driver. On the side that would be facing backwards was me Louis and Dayl. On the other side was Dean Ryan and Cian. We reached holistreet at 20 to 8 (7:40) Liam asked for Brendan Murray
"2 floor room 278" the nurse told us
We all ran to the elevator and Liam pressed the 2nd floor. Once we reached the 2nd floor we began looking for room 278. I saw the room and ran down the hall with the boys following behind I reached the door and looked in to see Louise lying in the hospital bed and not Brendan I ran up to her and hugged her the lads soon entered
"Bren we though you were hurt my god gave us a fright" Dayl said
"Lou you ok" I asked
"Yeah I'm fine, Bren" Louise spoke
"Lads turn around" Bren said
We all turned around to be faced with a cubicle and in the cubicle was a baby boy, we all starred in aww
"Go ahead Josh pick him up" Louise said
"I can't Brendan will you I'd be afraid in case I hurt him" I said
Brendan walked over and picked up the little boy and handed him to Louis
"He's just like his parents, Brendan's eyes Louise's smile" Louis spoke
I decided to sit down on the other spare chair Louis walked over to me and placed the baby in my arms
"Hiya little one welcome I'm Josh your mammy and daddy's best friend" I cooed
" what's his name" Dean asked
"His name is Eduardo Josh Murray" brendan spoke proudly
"Eduardo Josh Murray what made you think of the name" Liam asked
"Eduardo because we both really liked the name and thought it would suit him and Josh because Josh is like a bother to Louise and it meant it to her" Brendan said
"Aww" I stood up hugged Louise and kissed her forehead
After all the lads had held Eduardo Brendan placed him back into his little cot and he fell asleep.
"congratulations to your both he's a gorgeous little boy he's really gonna take after his parents" Liam said
"Thank you Liam, lads instead of saying your friends of ours to little Eduardo just say your his uncles because you's are like brothers to us both anyway, even Liam and Louis you's can say your his uncles because you's are all like a third family for us" Brendan said
"Cheers bro" Dayl spoke
"Josh" Bren said
"Yeah bro " I answered
"How would you like to be Eduardo's god father" Brendan asked
"I'd love to" I smiled
After 8:30 we all had to leave we said our farewells and congratulations to Louise and Brendan gave hugs and then turned around to Eduardo
"Goodbye Eduardo we'll see yeah again soon right we'll see yah tomorrow"
And with that we left. I left feeling extremely happy knowing I've got a god son and his middle name was chosen after me. The lads Louis and Liam all left feeling proud as they could say they were Eduardo's uncles.

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