Its the news that no one hopes for

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As I sat in my room with the tears falling down my face I couldn't quite pin everything together!. Why'd it have to be this little boy, this innocent adorable sweet caring little boy who never did anything wrong have to have the shortest life. I sat on my bed in my grey tracksuit and Wicklow Jersey thinking how this came to be. Why him?

I would be marrying my best friend, the love of my life in 4 months time but the sad thing about it is my son wouldn't live to see the day. He'd never live to see the day where his parents finally marry and we're all officially "Murrays" together. One thing is for sure is that even if we do re-schedule the wedding to be in a months time, he'd still never live to see the day. Every morning waking up in this hospital room seeing my little boy in his cot shaking,crying or finding it hard to breathe. Every Time I just wish it was me and not him. He's lasted two years of this pain, I guess it's time for it to stop and let him finally be pain free but sadly the only way that will happen will be when he leaves this world and moves on. When Eduardo was awake I started playing a game of cars with him when I heard I knock on his hospital door. I looked behind to see seven tear stained faces. Liam, Louis, Ryan, Dean, Cian, Dayl and Josh. Eduardo walked slowly over to Josh as it was getting harder for him to run when he's so weak. After around two hours. Eduardo sat on my lap coughing, once he had stopped I passed him on to Louis while the doctor wanted a word with me and Louise
"I'm sorry Mr and Mrs. Murray there's nothing more we can do, Eduardos time is coming to an end and we think it's best if you take him home for his final few days. We're sorry we tried everything we could'' We walked back into Eduardo's room and began to pack up his stuff with the help of the lads . Eduardo had fallen asleep in Louis' arms it was too cute for Liam to not take a picture. Once we had everything packed into the car and we told the lads what the doctors had told us Liam spoke ''From now on we are taking as much pictures as we can with Eduardo'' with that he took out his phone and when one of the nurses came in to do one final check up on Eduardo Liam asked them to take a picture of us all with Ed.

In the car ride home Ed was fast asleep in the back of the car. We still had a half hour drive until we reached our home in Blessington. The reason we live in Blesso is because... A) I wanted Louise and Ed to be close to Lou's family so if we needed a last minute babysitter Lou's mam or older sister was more than happy to look after him. B) we're close to the lads because Cian and Dayl moved into an apartment in Dublin, Ryan and Dean have a house now in Tallaght. Josh still lives in blesso with his family Liam and Louis are near the centre of Dublin so everyone is pretty close to each other now.

My whole family were on there way up to Blessington from Galway. My brothers., sisters, parents, niece/nephews, they all were coming to spend Ed's last few days with him. All the lads parents called up and all. I must say Dayl's mammy loved sitting for the hour holding Ed while reading him a story about the Lion King. As you can guess that book was a present from Uncle Dean. Everyone has been so good too Ed these few days It going to be hard letting him go.

23rd of May

I woke up to crying, I looked beside me to see Lou not there I grabbed my glasses and sprinted down the stairs, to see Lou trying to calm Ed who had dropped his toy. At half 9 everyone was up and dressed. I wore my Amsterdam jumper and my black jeans with my glasses also . Lou wore her Black leggings, white flow crop top my red beanie. Her soft ballyagse dip dye at the end of her hair tied well with her brown hair. She lightly straightened her hair leaving it down. She had applied foundation, powder, light pink lipstick, a brown/nude eyeshadow applied with winged eyeliner she touched up her eyebrows a little but not so they looked fake she also wore her glasses as well. While Lou was getting ready I decided to dress Edurado. I dressed him in his denim jeans, a white Lion King t-shirt Dean got him. I also put his suspenders on to help hold his jeans up as he was small for his age and sometimes he needed his suspenders to help hold his clothes up. They had little marvel characters on them. I then put his Grey Micky Mouse jumper over him with his burgundy and white beanie aka the Galway colours on a beanie, and his grey vans. Everyone once again came to our house and spent their time with Eduardo. At one stage the lads made me and Lou sit down with Eduardo between us, Ryan put his glasses on Eduardo and we were all told to smile for a picture, which turned out well. The purpose of the picture was because Lou and I both had our glasses on, so Ryan decided to take a family photo but put glasses on Eduardo so we all had glasses on.

13:23 (1:23pm)

Eduardo wasn't feeling well. Lou and I both brought him up to his room and laid him down to rest, after I finished reading him the story of Aladdin, he said ''I love you mommy and daddy please don't forget me'' We both felt the tears. Standing outside the door everyone was listening into the conversation our own families the boys the boys families and all

''Never in a million years son'' Lou replied

''Do I have to go soon daddy''

''You can keep fighting the pain, but mommy and I would prefer if our little fighter didn't have to be in pain all the time, trust us pet if we could we'd do everything and anything to make you better again''

''Will I see you again soon'' Eduardo now had tears in his eyes

''Of coarse you will, and you'll also be united with your granddad Joseph Granny Sheila, Aunt Betty and great granny May and we'll tell them to take extra special care of our little angel'' Lou replied

''I don't wanna go mommy''

''I know pet I know but sometimes we can't change the future'' she replied

he was growing weaker by the second

''Just remember Your Eduardo Josh Murray and we love you oh so much so does everyone that's in this house and so much more people out there that you'll never meet because not everyone can meet everyone all of HomeTown's fans love you too''

Everyone walked into the room, we knew it was his time. Everyone gave him a kiss on his forehead and said how much they loved him. Louise and I we're both on opposite sides each holding one of his hands

''We love you Ed oh so much don't forget that''

''I love you all too but I'm sleepy now''

Louise's mam and dad hugged her at this moment, my mam and dad were hugging me aswell

''Sleep well my little prince we'll see you soon we love you'' Louise spoke.

Few moments later he was gone. Eduardo Josh Murray had passed away from cancer on the 23rd of May at 14:17(2:17pm). Our little fighter was no longer suffering the pain anymore, He was free from the pain. He couldn't be hurt anymore. One day we'll see you again son. And when we do we'll see our little boy who no longer is in pain, a boy who can smile without the pain taking over him.....

SMILE (a HomeTown fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin