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"Wait did I here you right" Ryan said
"This is amazing" Josh said
"I'm expecting and its Brendan" I said feeling the tears on the verge of trickling down my face.
"No no no don't cry I didn't mean it like that I was just surprised" Ryan spoke coming over hugging me
"Louise when are you going to tell Brendan" Josh asked
"I was going to tell him today but now I kinda don't wanna face him" I spoke
"Your going to have to tell him at some point" Ryan said
"I know and now I'll go home and he'll be there" I said. Just before the lads went me and Brendan bough an apartment in Wicklow. I would go back to my family home but my parents were away, my older sister had permanently moved to LA and my little sister was in her friends house until my parents come home, I did have keys to the house but only problem was they were back at mine and Brendan's apartment
"Why don't we go back to yours and if Josh doesn't mind we all stay there if Brendan isn't and if he is we can all go back to mine and maeves apartment"'Ryan said
"Yeah I'm cool with that. Louise you okay with that" Josh asked
"As long as I've two of my 'brothers' with me then yeah" I smiled weakly
We got back into my car and Ryan drove me Josh and him back to my apartment and to my surprise Brendan wasn't there he must have went back to Tuam because none of his suitcases were here and he certainly wasn't here either. We spent the night on the couch covered in blankets, pillows, junk food and fizzy drinks. The boys watched movies I liked because they were just trying to cheer me up which was slowly starting to work. This is why i considered these two to be like my brothers they were there to protect me, make me feel better and to make sure I was alright basically they were like s proper brother to me.

I woke up the next day to see that I was in my own bed. Ryan or Josh must have carried me up last night. I slowly got up and walked downstairs I could smell the sweet smell of pancakes I turned the corner to walk into the kitchen thinking Josh and Ryan were in there but they weren't instead I was about to come face to face with a certain boy who I let date me who I let break my heart, who I let call me his. Brendan Hugh Francis Murray.
"Good morning princess" he said. How! How could he call me princess after what he did he never said hi to me at the airport never called wasn't even here last night yet still has the decency to call me princess after not contacting me since he's been back
"Brendan where were you last night"
"I went to stay with Deano and have a lads night" he answered. I knew he was lying because Deano was at saorises family house and not his.
"How come you didn't bother to see me yesterday at the airport"
"I didn't know you were there"
"I told you Brendan that I was coming to see you" I spoke getting annoyed at this stage
"I guess I forgot okay you know I'm forgetful like that" he answered. I knew very well that he knew I was coming
"Oh so just like you forgot I was your girlfriend when some people saw you kissing someone else s few days ago" I said on the verge of crying
"I-I" but I cut him off
"No Brendan you knew well that I was your girlfriend you should've known I would've found out. Why though" I spoke tears falling
"I don't know Louise I don't know something got over me and I couldn't stop myself I'm sorry " he shouted. Brendan never shouts so I was starting to get scared that he'd do something.
"Yeah well sorry doesn't cut it Brendan. Ever since people tweeted me that picture people have been giving me hate Brendan proper hate people have told me to kill myself that you deserve better and that's why you cheated. I wasn't good enough for you. When you left the airport and Ryan had came over to me a girl came up to me and told me you left just like you left me. Brendan I actually thought I was special to you you made me feel special like I was different"
I was about to turn away
"Oh and one more thing consider your self single and a father" and with that I left the room went upstairs grabbed my bag stashed a few clothes and my apartment key, car key and family house key and walked out the door.

Last night I stayed at my parents house, today I was meeting up with Ryan and Josh. I had to tell them what happened I had to tell them that I told Brendan and I have to tell them I'm done with him. I waited nervously for Josh and Ryan to collect me. I sat on my phone scrolling through Twitter when I saw
@brendan_m96 : I may have just lost my princess from a stupid mistake that I'll forever regret
Seeing this mate tears form in my eyes I knew Brendan was sorry and I knew that he was right about it being a once off.
Ryan and Josh collected me and Ryan drive us to Blessington lakes one of my favourite spots to go to. We had been talking for about half an hour I told then everything that happened with Brendan. We were just enjoying the lovely picnic Ryan made us even I asked
"What do you's think I should do"
"Well louise I think you should just give it a couple of days and then decided weather you and Brendan should try be and item again" Ryan spoke
"I want to try make it work I know he means sorry when he said it was a stupid mistake that he'll regret and I want to trust him again especially for the 'little one' (I was indirecting to mine and Brendan's miracle little baby soon to be born)"
"Go with your heart not with your head" Josh replied
I knew they were right they always were.
After our lovely picnic Ryan dropped me home and said goodbye before driving off back to Newbridge. First thing tomorrow morning I'm gonna ring Brendan and talk about what will happen to "us"

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