NUMBER 1!!!!!!!!!

408 9 12

I woke horribly today the girls were up before me and messing on their phones and chatting me being a heavy sleeper their noise didn't disturb me until someone decided to jump on top of me
"Well thanks Ayesha" I said
"How'd you know it was me" she asked
"Ayesha it's you every time we have a sleepover together you always wake me up like that" I said
"Only sometimes" she replied
God I love this one it's hard to be away from her
Once I was up we decided to go for a walk after we had our breakfast and had gotten dressed
My parents and little sister went to Belfast for the week with my granny because she missed her HomeTown ( haha see what I did there no okay) which is Falls Road in Belfast ( I don't think it's Falls Road but she is from Belfast) and my older sister is in L.A for 2 weeks with her friends as a graduation from college celebration thing in other words I didn't listen so I would've had the house to my self but I asked the girls to stay with me which my parents were okay with
A little bit later in the evening after our walk as Lunch we decided to have a movie day it's about 12 when all of a sudden my laptop starts ringing indicating that I have a Skype call I look at the id to see Yoshie (Josh) calling me I answered the call and the minute I answered me and the girls got the fright of our lives because the lads shouted at us
"WERE NUMBER 1 AGAIN " the lads shouted and then there was Dayl
"HELL YA WE ARE" Dayl shouted
We just burst out laughing and Jenna decided that because they were number 1 she googled there song Cry For Help on her laptop and started playing it and because Dayl is Dayl he started to pretend cry
I don't know why he does it's just him we all laughed at him and he turned to Emily
"Emily there laughing at me" Dayl said
"So am I Dayl" she replied
"Aisling what the heck are you doing" Cian asked
"Getting my phone charger" she replied
"Ah okay I see" Josh said
"You strange boy Dayl"Saorise told him
"I'm just one of a kind" he answered flipping his hair like Justin Bieber
"Hey Ryan what's up" Maeve asked
"nothing much just watching the lads make a fool of themselves" Ryan replied
"Thanks Ryan" Brendan said
"DEANO" Stephanie said
"WHAT" Dean replied
"HOT POT" Ailbhe shouted
I just say there laughing
"Oh so this is funny" Brendan asked smiling
"Coarse it is have you been listening to the conversation the guys and girls are having" I replied
"True it is hilarious" Brendan replied

After an hour of a Skype call we sat down to finish watching our movie when all of a sudden my phone bleeped I looked at it noticing I had a YouTube notification I turned YouTube onto my laptop and saw it was a new HomeTown cover we all started crying at how good the cover was the lads have achieved so much in so little time their not even been together for a year and they've already had 2 number 1's been in a panto an have been mobbed before these lads are gonna be big someday and were just hoping that they won't forget us
OMG 1.1K reads that you soo much on the last authors update I asked you guys to ask me questions and some people gave them by the comments and by the DM's so here are a few of my favourites

-Where in Ireland are you from
I'm live in Wicklow so I'm technically from Wicklow but different parts of Ireland make up my life

- who's my favourite member
Brendan Murray's my favourite but I do love all the other lads but I prefer Brendan

- Do I like Disney Classics
I do love Disney Classics because I miss being a kid because I'm in my teen years and your never told old to watch Disney Classics

- what's my favourite Disney Classic
Aladdin I just really love it and Abu is my favourite character because he's the cutest monkey

-what's my top 6 favourite bands
The Script
One Direction (kinda)
5 Seconds Of Summer (kinda)
The YouTube BoyBand (if they count)

-Who's my favourite Disney princess
(People like asking questions related to Disney)
Jasmine because she's in Aladdin and she basically is sassy and wears tracked where as every other princess ( normally) wear dresses

-favourite Song
Either Cry For Help or Where I Belong

Okay so thanks for all your questions and the 1.1K reads sorry if the character feels short but it's currently 23:25 pm or 11:25 pm new update coming tomorrow love ya all
(Wow I'm quite awake for 23:30)

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