Airports News And Trouble

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Authors note : I advise you either listen to the video tagged while reading because this song practically describes the chapter. Thanks for ready
3 months later
Louise PoV
It's been a hard three months without Brendan so much has happened. For starters I found out me and Brendan would be expecting in 6 months but I haven't told him yet I'm gonna tell him when he comes home as a surprise I've only known for a week so second off my grandad who I never met but was still alive had passed away I don't think I'm going to go to the funeral My mam and dad will but neither me or my two sisters will as we never knew the man My Mam told us he was alive we just never visited he knew we existed and he never visited us either he left my mam and her three brothers when there mom died and my mom was just about to get married a month before my sister was born so my mom and her brothers would help each other out and to this day they've done a good job considering my youngest uncle who was 15 when his mam died and father left is know very successful working for Apple and my two other uncles are working in two different shops in dundrum and my mam is a caterer in a film studio. Today was the day Brendan was coming home I was just doing my makeup when my phone went mental so many people started tweeting me the first few tweets I saw were all captioned the same
"Brendan doesn't seem to be able to keep his hands to one women only " pictures of Brendan kissing another girl all over my Twitter timeline and i knew it was recent because it was in London and he was wearing his wine jumper I got him before he left and he had sent me a picture of him wearing the exact same outfit captioned "ready to go out" .  Has Brendan really just after cheating on me with some girl, never the less I still want to go to the airport my mind has changed from seeing Brendan to going to see the others as I was fixing my hair and makeup my phone exploded with more notifications all saying things such as
"Clearly @xxlouisedxx wasn't good enough"
"You just weren't pretty enough for him the makeup didn't help @xxlouisedxx
"Brendan doesn't love you anymore Hun he's found someone better @xxlouisedxx"
"Clearly he had to cheat on her instead of trying to break up with her in person @xxlouisedxx"
"When she gets it into her head that Brendan doesn't love her can she go kill herself so we don't have to deal with her shit drama @xxlouisedxx"
And much more much more of hate but two comments stood out to me
:@mia_meeps_x don't mind them @xxlouisedxx Brendan doesn't deserve you anyway" Mia had recently became one of my friends when my friend Aoife had introduced me to her. Aoife then commented on Mia's tweet
:@disneyftht @mia_meeps_x @xxlouisedxx Mia's right Brendan doesn't deserve you, you deserve someone who you can actually trust unlike someone who cheats on you.
I was hurt by all the mean harsh comments about killing myself and how Brendan deserves better but Aoife and Mia helped a lot. Once I was finally ready I checked the time 12:30 that gives me an hour and a half until the boys land I decided that when I get to the airport I'll just stay with Josh and Ryan I've become closer to them too since that first day we all met but if coarse I've been close to Josh for as long as I could remember him. Ryan and Josh have become like brothers to me older brothers they were the first to know about me and Bren they'll be the first to know about the baby and they'll be the first to know that I'm dumping Bren. I'm dumping him because he was caught by the fans kissing another girl when he was dating me and by the fans it was said to only be a few days ago that the picture was taken.

At the airport
As I walked up to the terminal that the lads would be coming out of the fans started to give me dirty looks , mean looks a few had the courage to walk and give me hate to my face I just shrugged it off plugged my earphones in my phone put my earphones in my ears and started listening to music I was listening to Fight Song By Rachel Platten  but when that was over I started listening to Human By Christina Perri. Half way thought that I felt two arms wrap around my waist and someone hugging me I turned around to be faced by a certain boy with dark hair styled in a quiff
"Dayl" I squealed
"Healy how've yah been"
"Grand i miss you lots Cronin"
"Missed you too Healy"
"Better let yah go surprise Emily"
"Right well I'll see yah later ' with that he ran off and picked Emily up who was also at the airport
Next i saw Dean
"Deano" I ran up to him and jumped into his arms
"How was London"
"Grand how was Ireland"
"Wet cold rainy and sunny"
"Mixed weather yeah"
"Yeah. I missed you lots Deano"
"Missed you too loulou" 
"Better let yeah go say hi to Saorise bye Deano"
"Bye loulou"
Next was Cian
"Cici my mate what's de craic"
"nothing much just landed "
"Missed you lots cici"
"Missed you too lulu"
"I'll have to go say hi to Ayesha I'll see yah later yeah"
"Yup bye cici"
"Loulou loulou" I turned around to see Ryan
"RyRy RyRy"
"I missed you loulou"
"Missed you too RyRy"
"RyRy there's something I need to tell you but I'd prefer to say it to you and Josh at the same time"
"Alright well I'll let you say hi to the others and then me you and Josh all go to costa or the park and you can tell us yeah"
"Yeah ok"
Maeve and Aisling couldn't make it today because they had headed off on family holidays two days ago Maeve went to Madrid in Spain and Aisling went to Sydney in Australia
"YOSHIEEEEEEEE" I screamed when I saw the certain blonde boy that I had grew up with
"Loulou" Josh shouted running towards me, he pulled me into a big hug
"I missed you yoshie"
" I missed you too loulou"
"There's something that I need to talk to you and Ryan about"
"Okay well go say hey to Bren and all and then me you and Ryan can go to the park and talk"
Josh walked over to greet some fans and while I stood there and looked around the airport I couldn't find Brendan anywhere. A few tears filled my eyes Ryan walked up to me hugging me he knew something was up with me
" loulou you okay "
"Hm oh ye-ah yeah " I stammered
"Loulou something's wrong I know "
I just simply nodded. One of the fans walked up to me and Ryan
"You know Brendan left right just left he left you" and with that she just simply walked away
"Loulou what was that"
"One of the topics I want to talk to you and Josh about"
"Cmon then let's get Josh and go talk because that's not okay"
And with that we got Josh walked out of the airport Ryan drove my car with me in the passenger seat Josh in the middle seat and there bags in the boot we stopped at Costa and Josh came out with three medium mochas. Ryan continued driving until he stopped at ashford park the park I loved going to I would often visit this park with the lads, jay or my friends. The park was fairly empty only a few little kids two in fact sitting in the baby swings with their parents pushing them. We walked down the little slope to where the main entrance was where on the grass were two picnic tables we sat at one where Ryan started off the conversation
"Loulou what was that at the airport"
"Well boys I trust you's the most out of hometown, Josh I practically grew up with you you've become like an older brother and Ryan out of the months I've known you you've also become like an older brother"
" so why did that girl say what she said" Ryan asked
"What'd she say" Josh questioned
"You know Brendan left just like he left you" Ryan answered
"Loulou what does she mean" Josh asked
"Well today when I woke up i was having a perfectly good day I was getting ready to see my boyfriend and my 5 best friends  when my phone started going mental I check it and all over my mentions was this one picture of Brendan kissing another girl, and it was recent, too few days ago I know that because Brendan's wearing the wine jumper I got him and that day he sent me s picture of him saying ready to go out with him wearing the exact same outfit he was wearing when he was caught cheating.most of the fans have started giving me hate" I showed my them both my phone of some of the tweets and I showed them the tweets from Aoife and Mia.
"He's dead later" Josh spoke
"Why'd he do that he loves you sure" Ryan spoke
"Idk but he's getting it later" Josh spoke I knew that Josh was playing the protective brother role now
"No lads leave it to me I need to talk to him, I need to ask him why, I need to be the one to get the reason and I need to be the one to break up with him " I said
"Fine but when you do tell us" Ryan and Josh said at the same time
"And Louise when you break up with him just come up to blessington and I'll be right at home when you need me" Josh said
"Yeah same if you ever need me I'll come up from newbridge and I'll come to you and comfort you"
"Coarse there's just something else I need to tell you's " i spoke nervously
"Yeah sure what's up" they said in sync again
"I-i-I'm expecting and Brendan's the dad ! " I blurted out
Cliffhanger :P :D

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