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~1 year later~ 25/6/2017
Brendan's PoV
Today me and the lads were doing our first set of rehearsals for our gig tomorrow night we decided on doing rehearsals now and tomorrow so that we have it all prefect for the fans and we've a few tricks up our sleeves. At 1:20 Louise dropped Eduardo in to us as we said we'd look after him for a bit and she could go out with the girls. We were just sitting on the stage with Eduardo on my lap talking finalising our few little surprises for tomorrow. We took a group picture with Eduardo on joshes shoulders and posted it on Instagram with the caption "preparing s few tricks for tomorrow". The fans have grown to love Eduardo a good few stopped us earlier on the way to the venue (vicar St) asked for photos and handed little toys for Eduardo. Ryan had his guitar out and strummed a few chords and started playing a little we were doing one of our mashups of random songs when I was interrupted
"Daddy I don't feel well" Eduardo spoke holding his stomach
I picked him up and walked to the bathroom there he began to get sick this isn't the first time it's happened this week it's been happening all week so I got Liam to make an appointment with the doctor, called Louise and got a taxi to the doctors. Louise met us at the doctors and picked Eduardo up and hugged him the doctor called to see us and we walked into his office Eduardo in my arms with his head over my shoulder his small arms wrapped around my neck.
"Good day Ms.Healy Mr.Murray, hello Eduardo"
"Hello" me and louise said
"So what seems to be the problem"
"Em well Eduardo has been getting sick constantly all week and just wanted to see if he's caught the bug or flu"
"Okay well we'll take a luck and see"
The doctor began examining Eduardo and to see what is causing him to be sick"
"Hmm Eduardo is sick alright he's pale white all over weak, dya mind if we take a blood test to see if he's allergic to anything"
"Okay work ahead"
"This will only take a few minutes and not to long to get the results back as we've got an expert in today analysing other blood tests"
Once the doctor took the blood test and we stopped Eduardo from crying from the pain we waited half an hour for the results to come back. The doctor called us into his office
"Well there's some bad news and good, which would you like to hear first"
Louise was holding on to my hand for dear life with Eduardo sat on my knee cuddled into my chest. I looked at Louise and she nodded
"Bad please"
"Well Eduardo hear seems to have AML m7,  Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia" (sorry if this is a bad idea of an illness for Eduardo :(. )
I looked at Louise she had tears in her eyes her hand rested on eduardos
"The good news is Eduardo has been diagnosed early in the stages of AML M7 so we'll have him referred straight away to crumlin and get him into care as soon as we're done.
"Thank you" I croaked out and we left his office
We we're in my car Eduardo fast asleep  I was about to turn on the car when Louise broke into tears I engulfed her in a hug trying to stay strong for her but I couldn't. After what felt like forever of crying with her we finally started driving back to see the lads at vicar St. Louise texted me mam off my phone telling her the news . She replied saying they'd be her as soon as they can. She also texted her parents spreading the news. We reached vicar St and I took a sleepy Eduardo out of the car his arms around my neck his hand on my shoulder and carried him inside. Once we were in I sat down with him on my lap and Louise beside me both of us holding our son close to us. The lads walked in catching Louise with tears. Josh ran straight over.
"Louise you okay, what happened" Josh asked worried
"Eduardo has AML M7 Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia and needs treatment" Louise said tears streaming
Everyone went silent.

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