Deano to the rescue

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Before we all killed Cian for getting us lost Dean said he thinks he knows a way and lucky for Cian he did we ended up at our destination the finest McDonalds by the time we reached McDonalds we were all starving Dean Ryan Saorise and Maeve went up to order when they returned they returned to a group of 4-year olds basically because we were laughing actually childish basically acting the maggot Dayl took my napkin and I started annoying Cian
"CIAN!!!!" I shouted
"What yah want" Cian replied
"Dayl took me napkin" I answered
"Aw would ya shut up you and Dayl haven't stopped since we got here" Cian said sounding annoyed
"I guess my work here was done" I smiled
"What work" Josh asked
"My work to annoy Cian for getting us lost" I replied
"Alright" Mai answered
"You really know how to annoy Cian don't ya" Amy said
"Been practicing by annoying Josh for so many years" I answered
"Don't you start again" Josh said
"Why" Brendan asked
"Because everyday she would correct me and basically annoy me" Josh answered
"You can't start a sentence with because Josh" I said
"See! Don't start this again" Josh replied
We all just burst out laughing
"Jez guys would yah stop acting the maggot" Dean said walking over to us
"Couldn't be bothered to Dean" Jenna replied
We all just burst out into fits of laughter again before eating our food and before heading back to Deanos
Once we reached Deans I was back to my annoying Cian stage we I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pick me up those arms belonged to Ryan he carried me out into the garden where he dropped me into the ground it wasn't that far of a drop but still a drop
" I will get you back for this McLoughlin" I shouted
"I'd like to see you try" Ryan said
We all played chase being the kids we are and Ayesha was on Cian just ran over to me and tackled me to the ground via tickling
"stop Cian stop" I shouted
"Never" he shouted back
Until a pair of arms ripped Cian off me and I could breathe again from all those tickles this time the arms belonged to Dean I started running and Cian started chasing me everyone saw what was happening so Dean opened his arms and I made a run for Dean he picked me up but even though he and Cian were the same height kinda Cian didn't go near me and Dean it was pretty late so me and the girls decided to catch our Trains as I was on the train with Emily and Ayesha I started to dose off and think about today when I awoke the train was about to stop and I could see my dad waiting to collect us Emily had walked to her house because she lived across the road from me but Ayesha was staying the night after all the memories of tonight replayed in my head I dosed off to sleep in a dream and that dream turned out to just be the moments of today again replaying in my head but this time it was everything since epgetting up this morning to falling asleep dreaming about today

SMILE (a HomeTown fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ