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"Can you's not sit still" I questioned the chuckle brothers
"We can but we chose not to" Josh replied
"I see someone is trying to act responsible since he turned 18 " Dean said to Josh
"As if I was always responsible wasn't I Brendan " Josh said turning to Brendan
"Yeh sure out of us two you were always more responsible " Brendan told us
" Yeh but I've so many stories that I could tell you's about Josh from when he was younger but I'll tell ya's one day when he's not here" I told the lads
"No you won't " Josh said
"Oh yeh I will so what are you gonna do about it" I questioned Josh
"This" he said and he attacked me with tickles
I could just hear the others in the background Dayl Ayesha Emily and Ryan routing for me and Cian Dean and Brendan routing for Josh
"Okay fine I won't tell them " I lied
"Promise" Josh asked
"Promise I won't annoy Yoshie on his birthday" I answered
"Yoshie?" Brendan asked
"When we were younger in primary school I would call him Yoshie" I answered
"Okay I get it" Brendan said
After the lads finally calmed down I started texting on my phone to my friends Aisling Saorise Maeve Amy Jenna Stephaine Ailbhe and Mai we all had met at a Dublin Meetup for HomeTown one day and have been friends ever since I knew how much they loved HomeTown and I know some liked Josh so I guided them to a local pub The WoodPecker me and Josh liked to go to with our families on occasions and asked them to start setting up for Joshes party but I didn't tell them that the party was for Josh I invited all of Joshes friends from his secondary school because we went to two different secondary schools I asked his mom to give them a call and tell them the party was at the
WoodPecker in Ashford at 7:30 upstairs
They all agreed to come
Once we reached the train station in Wicklow we got in a taxi and were drove to the WoodPecker when we got their everyone jumped out and shouted SURPRISE
Josh just screamed like a little girl and brought us all into a hug
"I'm glad you like your surprise" I said
"Like it I love it you didn't have to throw me a surprise party" Josh replied
"Hey you finally are legal and we wanted to celebrate" I told him he just had the biggest smile on his face
"Come with me I want to introduce you to some people" I told him
"Okay" the lads answered we all walked over to the girls
"Hey girls I wanna introduce you to some people" I told them they l turned around and had the biggest smiles plastered across their faces
"O My God" Maeve replied
"Your Dean Gibbons" Saorise replied
"Your Josh Gray" Aisling replied
"Your Ryan Mcloughlin" Maeve replied
"Your Dayl Cronin" Emily replied
"Your Cian Morrin" Ayesha replied
"Your Brendan Murray" Mai replied
"You's are HomeTown" Amy replied

Mai how's me favourite cousin Josh said running over to give her a hug
"Nice to see you again Mr.Gray" Mai replied
"Amy I haven't seen you in ages how's school" Josh asked Amy
"It's good but not the same without you the girls in first year are always coming up to me asking about you" she laughed
"We're not even famous" Josh laughed
"I know" he laughed back
At the corner of my eyes I could see Dean having a good time flirting with Saorise and I could see Ryan flirting with Maeve

Towards the end of the night half of us were drunk Me and Brendan were the only one out of our mini group not drunk I'm pretty sure Dean had just scored a girlfriend because him and Saorise were exchanging numbers
Ryan and Maeve also exchanged numbers
Cian and Ayesha also exchanged numbers
Same with Emily and Dayl
And as for Josh he exchanged numbers with Aisling who seemed to be really excited because after she and Josh exchanged numbers she came up to me who was chilling talking to Brendan about how much of an idiot Josh was when he was younger and now Aisling came up to me really excited looking
"So what's got the smile on your face for" I asked her
"Nothing really Josh just asked me out on a date to Nandos next week" she replied
"Omg congrats of coarse it's nandos Josh loves that place" I said
"he really does" Brendan replied
"I'm actually really looking forward to this date" aisling said I could see the excitement on her eyes
And with that she walked back over to Josh and started having another conversation with him
"They grow up so fast" Brendan said pretending to cry
"I know" I replied also pretending to sulk
Me and Brendan ended up joking about how the lads and the girls have grown up so fast after our laughs Brendan was gazing into my eyes and I was gazing back at his before I knew it we were both leaning in and within a couple of seconds of lips met and fireworks went off for me it was magical when we pulled away I leaned my head on his shoulders
"I've really likes you since the day we met" Brendan said
"And I've always liked you as well" I replied
It took awhile but when we got the lads and girl back to my house me and Brendan made popcorn and got coke and started watching The Fault In Our Stars while the others were all asleep in the toyroom
Sorry that the update is kinda late but my phone had died and I didn't save a thing but thank god it was all here when I finally charged it but because my phones on 8% I won't be able to get another update done tonight because I was gonna give you's a surprise update but omg they finally kissed like OMG I'm gonna leave it here next update should either be tomorrow or Monday

SMILE (a HomeTown fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon