Sunset beach picnics with Ryan

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Maeve's PoV
I had moved to Wicklow into a temporary flat with my two friends Saorise and Aisling just for a couple of weeks. the girls had gone off for a while and I don't know when they'll be back. Saorise went off shopping with Dean at Blanchardstown and Aisling had just gone into Wicklow town to get some food for the flat and some other essentials. as for I, I was currently sitting in bed as it is 9:20 and I didn't want to clean until half 9 so I stayed in bed for a little extra when I got a text off Ryan
(M: Maeve R: Ryan)
R: hey babe what's up
M: nothing much about to start cleaning the flat
R: well I was wondering would you be any way free at about 5
M: maybe and why 😏
R: well kinda wondering if you'd like to go out later
M: maybe 😏
R: stop teasing will yah
M: coarse I'd go out with yah later
R: I'll pick you up later at 5
M: wanna tell me where we're going
R: nope just dress casual
M: pleaseeeeee tell me
R: nope can't spoil it
M: meanie
R: guess I am still not telling you
M: fine
R: see you at 5 bye love xx
M: bye xx

Once I had finished my texting session with Ryan I decided to get up and start cleaning I finished at half ten and I got a text off Aisling saying she was going over to Joshes for a movie and cuddle session so now I had the house to myself until I went on my date with Ryan because Saorise was staying with Dean for the night and whenever Aisling goes to Joshes they never leave each other until the next day.
I walked upstairs to my room and decided to start getting ready for mine and Ryan's date I got a shower and out my dressing gown on because it's only 11 and my sate wasn't until five. I walked out of the bathroom and into my room picking out a pair of shorts a tank top and white keds I started to straighten my hair, I then grabbed some bobby pins I grabbed a small bit of the front of my hair pinning it back I did the same with the other side I applied some light makeup for a natural look. I started planning my outfit I decided on denim shorts a mint green t-shirt that says Summer Forever my mint green keds and a bikinis yuan underneath because Ryan called saying he might bring me swimming after or were having a water fight God knows. Ryan arrived at 5pm like he said and led me to his car after driving for about 15 minutes we pulled up at Silver Strand beach one of the nicest beaches. Ryan got out of the car and walked over to my side opening the door and holdin his hand out for me to take which I accepted. We walked along the beach until I noticed candle lights formed in a heart shape and in the middle of the heart was a picnic blanket with a picnic basket and guitar laid neatly onto of the blanket. Surrounding the outside of the blanket was rose petals and lining the outside of the candle lit heart were more rose petals.
"Awww Ryan it's beautiful" I said
"It's not as beautiful as you" Ryan replied with a smile .
you always knew he was romantic but not this romantic and cheesy. We sat down and began to eat the amazing picnic Ryan laid out for us. Ryan picked up the guitar and started playing spinning wheels their new song which hadn't been released
"this is what it feels
How it feels to love to love somebody like you
This what it's feels
How to love to love somebody like you
When the darkness comes I wanna be there
Forever watching over you
This is what it feels like
How it feels to love to love somebody like you
To love to love somebody like you
To love to love somebody like you"
Ryan finished the song and put the guitar down he looked over at me our eyes locked
"You got something on your lip" Ryan pointed to your lip
"Oh crap what" I asked
"This" Ryan said leaning in kissing you. You smiled into the kiss and so did Ryan. When your pulled away you rested your head on Ryan's shoulder it was about 8:20 pm now so it was getting dark.
Ryan decided it would be fun to get in the water now so I went over to a bush to take off my top and shorts so I were in your bikini Ryan did the same and when I walked back I placed my clothes and shoes down. Ryan came running up to me picking me up kissing me and running into the water giving me a fright. after our water fun Ryan handed me a towel so I dried myself off pulling my shorts up over my semi wet bikini and putting my top shoes and socks on Ryan did the same. I helped clean up the picnic basket candles and roses we walked back to the car hand in hand.
We pulled up at my apartment Ryan decided he'd stay the night because the girls aren't home and Aisling would be in Joshes so he'd be left out and Dean had Saorise. we walked up to my room Luckily Ryan had his clothes that he was going to take to the lads house for the night but now he was staying at my house. I crawled into bed after getting ready for bed and wiping off my makeup Ryan put his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him kissing my forehead softly he began to sing.
"I don't wanna be alone tonight
I just wanna feel you by my side
I wanna see roses fall outside
Walk beneath the stars in streets of gold
Cause I would give you all that I've got my heart and all
Make me strong"

Wayyyyyyyyy I updated sorry for taking long to update I couldn't think at all of who's date to do next so Maeve I hope you like it idk but I'm back I'm gonna try update another date by Friday so yehhhh

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