Monday ugggg

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Louise's pov:
I woke up to Jay jumping on me and Josh calling me wait ! Josh is calling me
I quickly picked up my phone and heard Dayl what are you doing I'm guessing he wasn't expecting me to pick up the phone so soon Josh I questioned
Oh my goodness sorry Louise it's just Dayl is up to something
It's okay Josh when is he not
Fair point so what are you up to today
Oh yeh I forgot you've school haha
Don't rub it in
Hehe so who's gonna mind Jay then
His mom is
Oh. Yeh
Wow this is why you shouldn't wake up early what you mean
Your tired and are acting stupid
All I could hear after I said that was Ryan's laugh god that boy
So what you doing this summer
Nothing much probably hang out at the pool with Jay take him on walks hang out with friends travel Ireland
Travel Ireland ?
Yeh my parents take us to one place in Ireland every year
Ok I get it anything else
I'm traveling to England and L.A
What about yourself
Heading to England and Sweden we should hang out more
Yeh that'd be fun
Well I better let ya go to school
Do you have to uggg
Yes bye
Bye JOSHIE I practically shouted at him all I heard was Josh chuckling afterwards no wonder he's one of the chuckle brothers

By 7:30 I was ready for school and was bus wasn't going to arrive for another half an hour so i decided to call Brendan
(B:Brendan L:Louise)

L:hey bren how's it goin
b: shouldn't you be in school
L: my bus doesn't leave for half an hour
B: all right all right
L: so you not annoying the lads yet
B: who me?
L: yes you
B: I've never annoyed the lads in my life
L: ya wanna bet
B: haha right well it's 7:40 get to your bus and chat to the girls
L: Fine!!!!!!
B: Byeeeeeeee
L: Byeeeeeeeeeeeee
And with it turned out to be a normal school day

Hey guys so I haven't really had a plan for this one so I just went with it gonna try update at least once a week maybe more because I'm off school for the next 2 weeks but still have to study for summer exams thanks for reading

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