Carnivals with Dean

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Saorise PoV
I walked back to the apartment after staying at Deans the other night it was only about 11 am but I could hear laughter coming from the kitchen when I walked in I saw Ryan chasing Maeve I didn't know why until I saw that Maeve had Ryan's glasses on her and obviously Ryan was trying to get them back.
"Come here you little cutie" Ryan said
"Neverrrrrr" Maeve replied
When I was about to go help Ryan he grabbed Maeve by her waist pulling her down onto his lap while he sat himself down on the couch giving her a passionate kiss he took the glasses from her hands and put them on her properly and took a picture. Maeve then gave Ryan his glasses without them knowing I took a picture of the cute couple starring into each other's eyes, Ryan then kissed Maeve again this time being longer so I took another picture of them I was thinking of posting them on my Facebook because not many fans of hometown follow me on that so they wouldn't see it really unless someone leaked it. I walked into my room and sat at my desk taking out my Mac book pro logging in checking Twitter and Facebook before going onto YouTube to watch some YouTubers like Zoella PointlessBlog ThatcherJoe and CasparLee, laughing my head off at the Jaspar videos.
After an hour or so of YouTube I decided to make lunch as it was 12:30 I walked downstairs to see Ryan Dean Aisling Josh and Maeve all sitting in the couch. I made some toasted sandwiches for everyone, when I was waiting for the chips to be finished I felt two muscular arms wrap around my waist and a head being nuzzled into my neck I turned around to see Dean and getting greeted by a short passionate kiss,
"Hellllooooooo beautiful" Dean said
"Hello gorgeous" I replied
"So what are you doing" Dean asked
"Making lunch for everyone" I replied
"Okay well em you see I was kinda... um.... wondering if you'd....em like to go out with me later..... em like a date" Dean said nervously
"Coarse Deano" I replied with a smile
"Okay be ready by 1:30 you've got 40 minutes" Dean said giving my a cheeky kiss on the cheek before running off with the food handing everyone a plate. I grabbed Maeve and Aisling while they were eating and dragged them up to my room
"Kidnapping help"Ashling screamed joking which made me and Maeve burst out into a laughing fit. I told the girls about me and Deans date and they helped me get ready
I was wearing Timberlands Black Skinny Jeans A white shirt and a black and red flannel shirt, my makeup was a natural look with a pink lip and we slightly curled my hair pinning back a few front bits to make it look like a halo type thing. In my bag I had my phone purse car and house keys and extra Bobby pins with a little makeup compactor for touch ups in a separate bag I had pyjamas a outfit and my tooth brush because Dean said I'm staying at his tonight's because his mam and brother are out for the week. was ready by half 1 when me and Dean left just as we were about to walk out the door when Josh being Josh yelled
"Don't forget to use protection tonight"
We all burst out laughing only Josh would be like this if Cian and Dayl weren't there but if Brendan was here God knows what he'd say sure the chuckle brothers can barely speak English when together. If your wondering Cian is back at home in Mayo, Dayl is back at home in Tipperary and Brendan was staying with his girlfriend Louise for the night because her parents are in Belfast for some business to do with her granny.

After 20 minutes of driving we pulled up to a carnival I loved carnivals and Dean knew that we went on so many of the rides and Deano won me many teddys including a Simba one usually he'd keep Simba but no he gave it to me god I love that boy. The
Ask ride we decided to go on was the love boat. When we were on the love boat I caught Dean looking at me I turned to face him
"Your so god damn beautiful" Dean said at this point I was blushing we were starring at each other's eyes inches apart when you heard two fans
"OMGGGGGGGGGG YOUR DEAN GIBBONS FROM HOMETOWN"one shouted and the other was obviously not into hometown but decided to say
"Hey you two should kiss" me and Dean ignored them returning to starring into each other's eyes we were just inches away when........

Deanos PoV (haha)
Saorise is so god damn beautiful I couldn't help but stare, when she caught me starring I locked eyes with her thinking of all our great memories together thinking of how we first met our first kiss and thinking of how I want to be hers we were just inches away when I was spotted
"OMGGGGGGGGGG YOUR DEAN GIBBONS FROM HOMETOWN"one shouted and the her friend was obviously not into hometown but decided to say
"Hey you two should kiss" me and Saorise ignored them returning To starring into each other's eyes we were just inches away when I made them move I pressed my lips onto her soft ones, our lips moving in sync we stayed like this for a good minute and slowly pulled away. Saorise rested her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her pulling her closer. When the ride ended we got back into my car and I drove home we walked up to my front I unlocked it letting Saorise in first and then myself closing and locking the door behind me, I grabbed Saorise hand because she looked sleepy and brought her upstairs I led her to the bathroom to let her get changed I walked to my room changing into a shorts and taking my shirt off crawling into bed Saorise soon joined me I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me she nuzzled her head into my neck and we stayed like this for a bit I gave her one last kiss on her lips and we laid facing each other Saorise had drifted off before me I simply kissed her forehead and whispered
"I love you Saorise" before letting the sleep that over .

(Ok so sorry but for some reason it won't let me add a photo so I just put McFly love is easy on and when my phone is turned on I'll try add the picture
P.s sorry for being s crap writer plus hope you like it Saoirse_Gibbonsx )

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