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3 months later
Louise's Pov
I am currently 6 months that means only 3 months till our little one is born, so far it's been an amazing 6 months, Brendan has been busy but he's doing great with helping me. The band are getting so far with there music right now it's amazing. The boys have been so supportive especially Josh and Ryan they've helped so much. Liam and Louis have been supportive and I'm surprised I thought they'd be annoyed but they were delighted when Brendan had spread the news to them. The fans took it well aswell I thought I'd get more hate but instead people were happy because Brendan was too excited and so were the other lads. Last week me and Brendan found out we were going to have a little boy, I remember growing up I always wanted a boy first, Brendan did want a girl to spoil and treat as her princess but he's extremely excited to have a boy so he can teach him to play football and guitar . He's just excited to be a father. We've decided on not telling anyone what were having it's going to be a secret until the child is born. The lads have already started betting on what it was going to be Liam and Louis joined in aswell. Ryan Josh and Louis think it's was going to be a boy , Liam Dean Dayl and Cian thinks it's going to be a girl. All week we've been working in the nursery and locking the nursery door so no one could go in and see what it looked like or so they couldn't see what we were having. We aimed the nursery to be all blues for our little boy. It's basic colours with a stunning design that Brendan has picked I just picked colours and some furniture he had arranged it to make the nursery. We have the Moses basket set up in our room on my side of the bed we also have one in the sitting room and the kitchen. They were just white so no one could tell that we were having a boy. We also had a white/cream bouncer in the sitting room it was a modern style. All week Brendan has wanted to just post pictures of the nursery but we have agreed that in the 9month we will announce that it's a boy. It was Brendan's day off so we were just sitting at home watching Netflix and cuddling.
"Louise wanna go shopping I'm getting bored of Netflix right now"
"Yeah sure let me just go get ready"
I ran walked upstairs and started to get ready. I was wearing my white "London 96 city of selfies" jumper Dean got me when they were over in London, my high waisted leggings from river and island and my converse. I grabbed my black bag from river island and filled it with my purse, phone, earphones, my favourite red lipstick and I had a few dundrum gift cards so I threw them into my bag as well thinking I had all I needed I started to work on my makeup.
I used the Rimmel Wake Me Up Concealer in 010 ivory and used that on my dark circles under my eyes and to cover any redness. I then used my Rimmel Wake Me Up anti-fatigue foundation in 100 Ivory and blended that in using a real techniques brush, next was powder I used the Rimmel Stay Matte powder in translucent. Then used Rimmel Sun Shimmer Highlighting Maxi bronzer. I used the N7 studio 51 makeup palette and used the White eye shadow then used mascara eyeliner filled in my eyebrows and finally used my red lipstick (can't be bothered to explain anymore haha). After taking one final look I was happy with my appearance I made my way downstairs to see Brendan ready to go.
We climbed into Brendan's car he recently bought a Land Rover as he had learned to drive and treated himself to a car much similar to my dads car but Brendan did say he liked my dads car so that's probably why he got the same type. On the way to dundrum we had my phone connected speaker via Bluetooth with my audio tube playlist playing with Brendan singing along to the songs.
"This is my fight song take back my life song prove I'm alright song" Brendan sang
"I hope our little one will be able to sing as fantastically as you" I complemented
"Have to get the lads to do vocal teachings with me for him" Brendan spoke
"Ryan can teach him guitar" I joked
"Eh I can do that as well " Bren said sassily
"I was joking" I laughed
"I know"
For the rest of the trip we continued our music and I had Brendan's phone recording him singing for his snapchat and the bands. I also went on his Twitter " @brendan_m96: Going for a shopping spree with Bren! His idea ~Louise".
We reached dundrum and found a parking spot fairly quick Not that busy for a Wednesday but then again people are in school or collage so.
The first shop we went to was Penny's we picked up onesies baby hoodies cardigans and and baby t-shirts. I went and picked up some socks and three plain Jumpers and Brendan went and got black skinny jeans and hoodies. We then went to next and picked up baby grows hats scratch mittens and little baby boots. Our colour theme were Blues whites mint greens reds and creams. Once we had picked up a ton of baby clothes we went and did shopping for ourselves. I picked up jumpers shirts and leggings. Brendan picked up jeans track suits t-shirts hoodies and a pair of runners. He also got himself another pair of glasses because he had recently broken his so got another pair. We went to mamas and papas and picked out a car seat and buggy. The car seat was black and white the buggy was also black and white and you could fit the car seat into the buggy. I also picked up a plain black changing bag. After at least two hours of shopping we returned home and got a Chinese take away for dinner. It was now 8:30 when we brought the bags that were filled with baby clothes up to the nursery and began to put them away once the t-shirts and little track suits/jeans the baby grows/onesies were neatly folded  into little units and the socks scratch mittens and little stocking boots were put into the chest of drawers. We then secured the car seat into the middle seat of Brendan's car and took a final look of our almost complete nursery all it needed now to finish it was our little one.
Okay few things
1) this book is nearing the end a little bit of drama/twists to come but then when they're over the book will be completed and a new one will be started.
2) I am back in school so updates will be rare again but I won't abandon this book completely it will more likely be the weekends or Friday's that uploads will occur I only got to upload this today because I took the day off because I'm sick right now so maybe a update tonight I'll try but can't promise anything yet.
And lastly
3) so i have a few names here and if you'd could comment or dm what name you'd like out of the following to be the name of the "little one" please do so I can name the child as I don't know so there's
And middles names

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