1 Year Anniversary

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When I reached home I walked into the kitchen to grab a yoghurt as it was no where near lunch and I didn't really have breakfast. I decided to take the day off school as I as seeing the lads who I now consider as friends board a plane to London and I was also going to stay at home now and study and before you think no I'm not one of those people who just take days off school this morning I woke up not feeling well and last night I was getting sick so that's why I wasn't going in but then the lads called and I went up to see them. As I grabbed my Irish geography and Spanish books I headed downstairs to the sitting room I plopped down onto the L-shaped couch right at the corner of the L. I got out my Irish book and refill pad and began to take down notes this only lasted for half an hour when my phone went off I checked the caller id . It was Brendan!
I answered the phone after letting it ring twice
(Brendan:B Louise: L)
B: what's de Craic
L: so you can take the boy out of Ireland but you can't take Ireland out of the boy I see Deans helping yah with your Irish Slang
B: he is indeed so how are yah
L: I'm alright
B: alright?
L: yeh I was feeling well this morning and now I'm studying well was trying to study
B: sorry for distracting you from studying
L: it's grand I would've given up in 10 minutes any way
B: alright anyway have you seen twitter at all yet today
L: no haven't really used my phone at all today
L: happy one year anniversary lads
B: thanks lou lou will face time yah later yeh
L: yeh
B: right I better let yah get back to your studying we have to go to the studio for a meeting anyway see yah later
L: byeeeeeeee
And with that the other line on the opposite side of the phone went dead or in other words Brendan hung up god I love the phone calls with these lads it's always interesting and fun

Lunch time ( skipping until lunch because the rest of the time since the call ended was just pure studying)
I walked into the kitchen to be greeted with my overly excited dog Olly he always loved this time of day mainly because I would always give him a treat and he would normally take my leftovers off my plate I went with a roll with ham and butter and soup . after I was finished Olly took the left over ham off my plate . I wandered back into the sitting room to be faced again with my books god I hate studying . At 1:25pm I gave up on studying because I've been studying since 9 so I gave up now just in time to hear a ringing tone coming from my laptop I was getting a oovoo call from Josh I guess we were going to celebrate their one year anniversary now I accepted the call and was greeted with 6 overly excited guys screaming Hi's and Hello'e at me and then there was just Liam would had only came to say hi after oovooing with the lads for what felt like hours we said our goodbyes as the lads were heading out to dinner to celebrate when my family all arrived home because I had already done the cleaning mom just went to put the dinner straight on after dinner I just walked straight upstairs changed into my pyjamas and crawled into bed with my laptop and began to watch YouTube videos such as the SacconeJolys I continued watching YouTube until 9:30 when I began to fall sleepy I turned off my laptop and crawled back into the blankets when My phone went off indicating I got a message I check who it was from and saw 6 messages

Thanks again Louise for supporting us for a whole year! Don't ever forget I'm still your best friend and I'm always here for you when you need me. love you ! Xxx

Thanks Louise for all your support can't believe it's been a year I'm glad we met because we've became great friends miss yah

Thanks for the support one whole year it's been and it's been a great one thanks for being there and when we come home me and you are having a Disney movie night to celebrate

Thanks for the support you've been there for us for a whole year and we've been there for you miss yah can't wait to see yah soon


Thanks for supporting us I'm really upset that we couldn't spend it with you but at least we did get to oovoo which is better than nothing I miss you like hell and when we come home maybe we could hang out sometime love yah ~Brendan xxxxx

Did I seriously read that last one properly "maybe we could hang out sometime" literally need to sleep maybe my eyes are just playing tricks

Sorry that I didn't update last night but I was working really hard in a video for them and didn't have time and it still hasn't uploaded yet ughhhhh but anyway HAPPY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY TO HOMETOWN !!!!!!!!!!!!

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