Chapter 14: In desperation

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..Four weeks later...


Today started like any regular day aboard the Enterprise;wake up, get prepared for duty, eat, and then go to duty. I had a strange feeling about today. The Enterprise had its fair share of weirdness such as the guy who abducted Yar,the first encounter with the Ferengi, and the strange cloud that took away the Captain for a brief period of time. I walked into Sick Bay whistling.

I stopped dead short in my tracks seeing Q on one Biobed with Captain Picard and Yar by his side.

"You are staying here until we know what to do with you," Picard said.

"Goody," Q said, sarcastically. "And I get to wear THIS tracker, too!"

"You came with it,Q," Yar said. "And it has been indicated you must not take it off."

"At the cost of my energy?" Q asked. "You are more mad than I thought," He rolled an eye and caught a glimpse of me. "Oh," A weak smile came across Q's face then he had a small rapid wave at my direction. "Hey Bell!"

Picard looked over toward my direction.

"You know Q?" Picard asked.

"Not really,sir," I said, coming over.

My eyes blinked, and then, I saw a different view of Q. He strangely was missing a couple universes here and there, including some galaxies, and there is a light in the middle of his chest in the outline of the Enterprise. The edges of the outlined body are not glowing brightly as they used to separating the darkness from the brighter colors most eyes are adjusted to. The whiteness is faint. I saw in the wrist watch like device on his wrist is draining the various items that I saw in his body to it. The wrist watch glowed yellow in my eyes showing a span of the universe. It beeped three times before turning red. My eyes blinked returning to normal visualization. The wrist watch reminded me of the Omnitrix from 'Ben 10: The Original Series'.

"Sure we do!" Q protested.

"Do not!" I snapped back. "What's Q got himself into, this time, sir?"


The usual was going on the bridge during the Alpha Shift. Picard sat in the Captain's chair where at different sides of the chair is William Riker and Deanna Troi. Deanna could sense a presence coming. She stared at the screen contemplating what could it be. She couldn't be sure except it felt: fear.

"Captain," Deanna said.

"Yes?" Picard asked.

"I sense something...coming," Deanna said. "Scared, weak,and...vulnerable."

"Captain!" Yar houted. "We have alerts going off in the Holodeck,"

"In the holodeck?" Picard said, surprised.

"It seems someone is draining power from the holodeck," Yar said.

Picard appeared to be perplexed.

Why the holodeck of all places?

"That is unusual," Picard said.

"I sense the presence," Deanna said. "It is here."

In a bright flash of light appeared Q on the floor.

"Damn it," Q said. "Not here," Q used the wall as his support to get up. "For once!"

Picard stood up from the chair.

"Q, get off my bridge!" Picard demanded.

Q had a small laugh.

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