Chapter 8: Need some assistance

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...June 22nd...

..2371...10:48 AM...

My eyes opened to the brightness of the room. There were two figures looming over me namely one being Captain Monk. I recognize the second figure as Doctor Reagen. I blink then make a huge ass smile at seeing the compellingly odd man,being Captain Monk, looking down to me.

"Hai!" I said.

"I assume you know what these monsters are," Monk said.

"Xenomorphs," I said, getting upright. "They are like a ugly infestation of ants, or, a bad case of cockroaches except they are so much more adaptable." I shudder at the thought of the movie where there is a Xenomorph that came out of a dog. "More deadlier than the enemies you are aware of. They hunt, they are intelligent, and they lay eggs. They even have a queen who reproduces without a male."

"Without a male?" Doctor Reagen asked, with eyebrows raised.

"In the history of Alien movies; there has yet to be TWO pairs of Xenomorphs in the same movie," I explained. Doctor Reagen lowered his eyebrows. "They can make acid, use their tail to wrap around prey including their hands if they very careful, and teeth to kill a target. A second set of teeth that is so not like the ones to the alien humanoids in Coneheads."

"So they reproduce asexually," Doctor Reagen said.

"Yes," I said. "The movies I saw; they were defeated by: air lock, guns, and very extensive heat. Well...At the cost of ones life for the last part." I had a sad sigh. "Poor Ripley," I frowned thinking back at the little girl. "Poor little girl..." I glanced back up toward Monk. "By now they are probably stalking out their nesting ground."

"And what would the nesting ground be?" Monk asked.

"Engineering," I said. "I suggest you get out the men and woman you have in there."

"I guess this ship should be put on red alert," Monk said.

"You guess?" I asked. "There is no guessing when it comes to Xenomorphs!" I wave my arms. "You are suppose to be sure of this. It would be 'This ship will be put on red alert' not 'I guess...'!  It makes you sound like you are incompetent when really you are the most confident Captain aboard this ship! You are a Captain who just got me awakened from Chrono-sleep!" I lowered my arms. "For everyone's safety; this ship should be on red alert."

Monk just stared at me for the longest while.

"Are you sure you are not of our universe?" Monk finally asked.

"Uh yes," I said.

"You sound like a captain's kid," Monk said.

"I just happen to be a kid who wants to be around people who are sure of themselves," I said.

"I am sure of myself," Doctor Reagen said.

I looked over seeing Q at rest.

"Q is not coming out of that any time soon," Doctor Reagen said.

I turned my attention back to Doctor Reagen, curious.

"Why?" I asked.

Doctor Bryan Reagen had a grim look on his face.

"His systems has been infected by something," Doctor Reagen said, as Monk left the sick bay.

"So...You are saying he is not human," I said.

"Yes," Doctor Reagen said.

"Then what is he?" I asked.

"Confini," Doctor Reagen said.

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