"Just shut it." I told him. He just shook his head nad smiled. Then I saw out interviewer. She ccame out and she had a beautiful face. She looked stunning. I looked at what I was wearing. It wasn't as nice, but it sort of matched Max's, in the terms of event style. We were both dressed in a nice casual type of style. She sat down and looked at us.

"It is nice to meet the two of you. Are you ready?" She asked us.

"Yes, we are." I told her. Max then grabbed my hand and I squeezed it. I watched the people in the back round count down to 1. Then I saw the lights on the cameras turn on.

"Hello, I am Emily Smith and I am here with Cara Tomlinson and Max George for a very exclusive interview. So you two, what does One Direction and the rest of The Wanted think about your relationship?" She asked. There were no formalities with her. It was straight to the questions.

"I know that the rest of The Wanted think that she is a lovely girl. They did think that I was crazy, but then they actually met her." Max said. I looked at him and smiled.

"I think that it is the same with my cousin. I have support, but yet there are a couple of drawbacks." I told her. She smiled and looked at her cards.

"So who has been the most supportive out of each bands and who hasn't?" She asked. Max nad I gave each other the same look.

"Well it was actually Niall and Siva that got the two of us together. They did all the dirty work." I told her. She chuckled and I knew that she was going to move on from there.

"Let's get into what everyone has been wanting to know; what happened? What were you doing out of the clinic? And what did you think of it?" She asked. I knew that this question was coming, but not so soon.

"My friend needed help and she came to me. I couldn't turn her down. She is like family to me and I will be there for her, no matter what." Max told her. I was pretty impressed by his answer.

"And what about you? What did you think of it?" She asked me.

"I knew that I had to trust him and I do." I told her. I knew that it wasn't what they wanted, but it was what they were going to get.

"Next thing that I want to talk about is this." She said as she looked at a monitor. We looked at it and it was doing a slide show of my out burst in the driveway. I started to feel a little embarrassed. Max started to laugh.

"Why did you do that?" She asked me. I looked at har and smiled.

"I was having a moment. I needed to walk around and there they were. I just wanted them to know what I thought of them." I told her. She nodded her head and looked at Max. He was still laughing.

"It seems that The Wanted have rubbed off on you. Alright, we are now going to get to the fan questions. They tweeted in and I have a couple here." She said. I saw her look at her papers.

"Why did you two start dating? This is from Samantha in London." She told us. We looked at each other.

"I knew that I wanted to get to know her more, when she said that I had a cheesy movie one liner. I was trying to have a moment and she just knocked me down." He told her.

"Wait a minute! You were trying to have a moment? What a git. I was bleeding on the side walk and he put his jacket under my head and said that line. For me, I knew when he stayed by my bed. He just sat there, with me." I told her. She smiled and looked at the paper again.

"This one is from, Marvin in Chelsea. What superpower would you want?" She said.

"I would like the ablity to turn invisible." I told her. I saw Max look at me and he smiled.

"I would want to ba able to know what animals are saying." Max said. Emily smiled and looked at her cards.

"Cynder from Dublin wants to know what is your ring tone for the other guys. I assume that she is talking to you, Cara." She told me. I smiled and pulled my phone out.

"Well you have heard Nathan's and Max's. Tom is lightning, Jay is Gold Forever, and Siva is loose my mind. I actually have ring tones for One Direction boys too. The weirdest one is, Louis' ring tone. He is Rock Me. I am not sure why, but I think that he suits it." I told her. She actually laughed.

Last one, this is from, Jamie in Doncaster. What are some similarities between One Direction and The Wanted?" She said. I sat there and I had ti think about this.

"Well both have an Irish guy. Actually, Louis and Tom are a lot alike. Both are like the older brother." I told her.

"This next one is for me. Is it true about Nathan and the cancer patient? And what about Tom and Kelsey? Are they really adopting a little girl?" She said. I let Max take this one.

"I think that we will let little Nathan tell you that one and you are just going to have to wait and see." Max told her. She frowned and ended the interview. Max and I sat there for a little while.

"Max, is it okay if Perrie and Zayn come and see Emer?" I asked him. He looked at me and smiled.

"I didn't think that they would want to come." He told me.

"They sort of do. Zayn doesn't really believe that Tom has a little girl and Perrie just wants to meet her." I explained. Max got out of his chair and pulled me out of mine.

"Anything for you. The more the merrier." Max said. We then walked to the car. We said goodbye to the lady at the front desk and we saw that there were people taking pictures of us, on our way to the car. We got in the car and Max looked at me.

"Cara, would you like to move in with me?" He asked me. I looked at him, with my mouth open.

"Max, isn't your place a little small?" I asked him. He laughed and took both of my hands.

"I know that it is, that is why Tom bought the place next door. We are going to take the wall down, that divides it, and we will make the space bigger." He explained. I couldn't believe what he was saying.

"Yes, I would like to." I told him. He smiled and started the car. I texted Zayn and told him where to go.

Max and I talked about how we were going to do this. He said that Tom, Kelsey, and Emer will put all of their stuff in the other apartment. Then Nareesha will move in there. All at the same time, They will be taking the wall out. They want it to look like we live in two separate places. Finally, I move my stuff into Tom's apartment. He explained that Tom didn't like the idea of me moving in with him. Macey was also going to move in with us, once she got to the point where she could.

We got to the place and I saw Nathan and Jay run out to greet us. We walked inside and I saw that Siva and Nareesha were decorating for Emer. They had balloons and streamers around the place. 

"This looks great." Max said. Then the doorbell rang. everyone looked confused, except for Max and I. 

"I forgot to mention that we will have two more people joining us, tonight." Max said as he walked to the door. He opened the door and Zayn and Perrie were standing there. The balloon that Jay was blowing up, went flying across the room. 

"Hey, are we a bit early?" Perrie asked. 

"No, you are right on time!" Nareesha said. Perrie and Zayn walked in the apartment and Nareesha and Siva greeted them.

"What are they doing here?" Jay asked me. I turned and looked at him. 

"I thought that it would be nice to have some band peace!" I whispered to him. 

"Yeah, that's great and all, but I thought that you were at least going to bring your cousin and his girlfriend." He told me. 

"Well I didn't just be nice and get through the night. You already like Perrie, why not her and her boyfriend?" I asked him. He just sighed and walked over to the kitchen. 

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