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They lil family so cute I love using them in this story..

Yep that's baby Prince Carson Lol, not really but.... Yeah.

Please Excuse all mistakes it is 1 in the morning and I'm updating so I'm not proof reading. Sorry and thanks for reading my ish-

Justin POV

I stepped out the shower going over to the drawer for a pair of boxer's and socks. I then slid on my all blue  Robin jeans and a white Gucci shirt with custom made Retro 11's and my gold chain, matching Rolex.

"Where you going?" The attitude in her voice was evident.

"To check on the club and meet with Juice."

"Mmm, you must forgot you got a new born and you can't be just leaving late night's Major."

"I know. It's not gone be more than two hour's, three at the most" I sprayed my Gucci cologne before grabbing a ward of cash, my key's and phone.

"That don't make it better, and why you need all that money?" Her hand's rest in her hips and a mug in her face.

"Baby chill-"

"No cause I will not be doing all the hard work late night's while you go out and come home early in the morning."

I wanted to laugh at her over dramatic ass but I knew now wasn't the time to argue if I wanted to go. She been moody lately but I'm guessing it's because she still hormonal after Prince.

"Beauty chill this the first and maybe last time I'll go out. I just need to be at this meeting aight?" She signed rolling her eye's.

"Whatever leave your wife and three kid's, one that's a new born at that! While you go party and throw money at hoes!" I drug my hand's down my face shaking my head.

She tripping hard right now man, I honestly don't know what to do she making me boutt to change my damn mind.

"Baby you tripping right now, they sleep and not waking up n-"

"Prince don't sleep thru the night!" I was done.

"Aight look how about I just stay here and reschedule my meeting?" She do fucking spoiled man, shit don't make sense.

"If you want to, I mean...." She trailed off. All I could do was shake my head this all my damn fault she like this.

I removed my chain and shoes getting in bed cuddling up next to my babe. She turned the TV on some dancing show Dancing Dolls or some like that, I don't know. Soon as her ass fall asleep I'm out! She know damn well Prince gone sleep about four hour's straight before he gets up. I'll be back before then, it didn't take long for her to fall asleep and soon as her light snores filled the room and I slipped from under her got my shoes and chain then headed out.

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