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Five Day's Later

Amber POV

I was released from the hostipal three day's ago and so was Bee and Price Carson whom I can't get enough of. I love that lil gray eyed back looking like his ugly ass daddy but the handsome version.


"What Ron?" He walked in the room with my medicine and water in his hand he has really been getting on my nerve since I've been home about these damn pills.

"You feel ok?"

"Never better!" I replied sarcastically.

He smacked his teeth giving me the pills and water, like I'm some little ass kid who can't take her MED's by myself. He keeps pushing me to take these damn pills but I'm good on them shits, to many side effects and I'm not in any pain right now so I'm fine.

"Take it!"he demanded.

"I will Damn!" He walked off clearly pissed but oh well. I dropped the pill in the drawer of my vanity table were I knew he wouldn't look.

"Happy now?" I had taken a couple swallows of the water so he'd think o took them.

"Whatever, you ready?"

"Yep just need my boots" I slid my feet in my all black big boi Tims ready to go.

We were all getting ready to go handle my mom and right now I'm having mixed emotion's about all of this and I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it. Even tho she tried to kill me and kidnapped my son I should want nothing more then to make her pay but she's still my mother. The women who birth me, gave me life for crying out loud! I just don't know how to feel or how to act.

"Why you crying ma?"

"Byron how am I suppose to kill my mother? Good will never forgive me for this" I broke down crying.

"Stop crying Amber you don't have to kill her, I'm sure she had plenty of people who would love to kill her.... Including me" he mumbled the last part. I rolled my eye's laughing at him leave it to Ron to say something stupid.

"Nall I'm playing but I got your back baby you don't have to do it, just go get her ass back for shooting you and taking Blake."

"You right, thanks baby."


We pulled up to this wearhouse building and Ron hopped out coming around to help me out the car, I rolled my eye's taking his hand. Time we step foot inside I see Beauty, Major, Carey, Tyson and Jackson sitting around the table.

Ebony and Amina stayed home with Key and the kid's since they didn't need to be here.

"Hay y'all!"

"Baby girl you feeling better?"

"Yes daddy, hay ma." I pulled then both into a big hug before going to hug the other's.

"You ready?" My dad ask before I could even sit down good. Like damn I thought we had to discuss and plan everything out like they do in the gangsta movie's but I guess not.

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