Chapter 17

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Running my hands along his temple I found a wound and began to clean it up, once the blood had been cleared away I added a couple of butterfly stitches and taped gauze to the wound. Turning him to his side to remove his jacket, I noticed blood on his pillow.

Running my hand over the back of his head I felt another wound, this one however was smaller than the first. Cleaning it and checking to be sure, I placed gauze over the wound and taped it to the base of his neck.

Taking his jacket off, I began to slip his buttoned shirt off as well. Exposing his well defined chest and the tattoos that I hadn't seen in a long time. Tracing every inch of skin as I exposed it, reminded me of the memories that I kept hidden.

Memories that haunted me, feelings that I didn't want to have, feelings that almost destroyed me, ones that I had locked away. It had been 10 years but it felt like yesterday.

Closing my eyes to settle my emotions, I quickly discarded his shirt, shoes and pants before covering him with the comforter. Disposing of the dirty cleansing utensils and wipes, I packed my first aid kit up and placed it on his night stand before moving to the table near the window.

Sitting down, I watched the slow rise and fall of his chest. Bellamy told me that he was bringing someone new into the fold, I just didn't know it was going to be him. I had heard rumors, in my world you knew who the players were.

Nick Gerard was famous for his gifts, I had heard his name whispered among the family I just never knew that they meant him. Turning around that day to see him staring at me was almost too much for me to handle, schooling my face to pretend I didn't know him hurt.

Of course I knew him, I was 20 when we met. To some I may have been too young to know, but I knew then even as I know right now that what I felt was real, it still is.

When you meet someone you think, Will they like me? Are they worth it? Are they hiding something? Can I trust them?

When I met Nick, my world was collapsing around me, everything that I had been bred for was right there and at the suddenness of my situation, it was hard to accept. I knew the fate, my fate, what the family expected and I knew the cost.

Nick came at a time of weakness, the moment he laid that glock in front of me on that bar and his lips grazed my cheek. I knew without a doubt that he was someone I could trust, the scummy guy trying to prove his manliness cowardly shuffled away at Nicks display.

It shocked me further when he walked away and sat by himself, interested I couldn't help but strike up a conversation and what a conversation it turned out to be. I let my guard down, I never felt the need to hide what was really inside.

With Nick, it felt like we were kindred spirits and not just because of his choice I'm weapons either. I could see into his eyes and knew that he related to the burdens that were weighing heavily on my heart.

In our long talk, part of the reason that I am here is because of the things that he said. The way that he said them brought things into a different light for me.

I felt guilty about my name but for his sake I kept it from him, but the rest it was all me. Now, he is here in my world and taking it by storm. I don't know why Bellamy thought we needed his help but I didn't want him risking anything to stay in our world.

Raising from my seat, I checked his wounds again before applying fresh bandages and slipping from his room.

"Bell?" I asked through the head piece.

"Security room," he responded, turning from Nicks room I walked the short distance and scanned my card before walking in.

"You need to get him out of here," I told him cutting out all the bullshit.

"No," his answered was quick and authoritative.

"Why the hell not?" I demanded my hands landing on my hips.

"Because despite what happened tonight, he is the best weapon we have. Few people know who he is, who he truly is and that is something we can use to our advantage." He responded leaning back in his chair.

"We cannot risk his life like that, his brother only owed us pocket change, is his life really worth that?" I asked trying not to let the desperation show.

"That was a little lie to get him lured in, he already settled his brothers debt. This is something that he is doing to help us," he answered but I could tell there was something he wasn't saying.

"What aren't you telling me?" I asked.

"Claire I'm telling you everything that I know, if you want reasons maybe you should go ask the man himself." I said turning back to the video tapes.

Clenching my fist at his dismissal, I turned on my heel and stormed out of the room. Fine, if Bellamy won't tell me I'll make sure that Nick does. Walking up to his door, I scanned my key card and silently shut it making my way back to the seat at the table.

Come hell or high water, when you wake up Nick, you will tell me what I want to know.

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