Chapter 20

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I sat down at the table and began eating the delicious plate that was in front of me. I ate in silence as she watched my movements, once I finished I leaned back and regarded her silently.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Better, thank you." I responded taking a sip of water.

"Good," she murmured glancing about the room.

"Why are you here?" I asked her cutting straight to the point.

"What's your deal with Bellmay? He said you payed your brothers debt and I want to know why you are here." She said her eyes narrowing on mine.

"I'm here to help out, nothing less, nothing more." I told her getting up from the chair and moving to the bed to grab my gun holster before sliding it on and placing my glocks inside.

"Why do I get the feeling your lying to me?" She whispered, I turned to look at her.

"Why would I have a reason to lie?" I asked her as I slipped my jacket on.

"Why would you stay and help?" She questioned raising to her feet to stare at me.

"Because he asked me to, I'm in between jobs and I figured it wouldn't hurt." I shrugged watching her face.

"Fine, don't tell me the truth. I will find out what it is and when I do you won't like what happens." She snapped at me and stormed out of the room.

I smirked at her anger and followed her out of the room. When I entered the club I noticed Bellmay sitting at the bar talking to one of the waitresses, I rolled my eyes when he inched closer and she giggled.

"Bellamy," I voiced my presence and watched as the girls eyes widened at me before she slipped from her stool and took off towards the back of the club.

"What?" He asked as he turned to look at me.

"FYI, I pissed Claire off." He shook his head and nodded. "Also, do you have a computer that I can use with a scanner?"

"Why?" He asked slipping from the stool to stand in front of me.

"I have a resource that I want to reach out to. He is amazing at working wonders with getting information about people, I know you did your background checks but he has a way of find out shit that people thought was hidden." I responded.

"It wouldn't hurt to double make sure," he said as he motioned for me to follow him, we made our way back upstairs and into the security room.

He moved a chair towards the desk and pulled out a laptop, he pressed the on button as he pulled out a cord and plugged it into the scanner/fax machine that was set up on the counter.

"Here, everything should be good to go, keep me posted on your progress." He said as he left the room.

Reaching into my pocket I dialed Jason's number, "what?" I smirked at the groggy voice that came down the line.

"That's no way to speak to your employer," I snapped at him.

"Fuck my employer, selfish bastard that he is left me to babysit his retarded brother. Do you know how full my hands have been? I'm one step shy of strangling that asshole and being done with him." He yelled into the phone.

"Are you done?" I asked him barely holding back the laughter that had built up at his rage.

"No, not by a long shot!" He ground out. "You will be paying me double for this shit, you brother is a hassle and I cannot handle his mood swings. He is worse than you are and that's saying something."

"You don't have to keep tabs on him anymore." I told him and heard his sigh of relief.

"Thank fuck." He groaned. "What do you need?"

"I'm going to scan you over some names, back grounds have been done but your a wiz when it comes to finding out shit. I want to know everything, from when they were born to how many times they shake it when they piss. Everything." I told him as I scanned the pages into the computer.

"I also want you to pay close attention to one name, Claire Romani." I needed to know why these people were after her, if the answer lay in her past maybe we could help protect her future.

Opening up my email, I attached the pages and sent them off to Jason. "Did you get them?"

There was a long pause and I frowned, "Jason?"

"Yes, I got them. Why are you wanting to look into Claire?" He asked the familiarity in his tone set me off.

"Do you know her?" I questioned.

"I'll look into this for you," he answered before hanging up.

Pulling the phone away to frown at the dial tone that filtered from its speakers, Jason was never one to lie to me. The fact that he point blank ignored my question caused anger to boil deep inside.

I knew this kid like the back of my hand, yet here he was hiding something from me. When I get my hands on him we are going to have a long talk.

Sitting back in the chair, I watched the monitors as Claire moved about the club. Sooner or later, we were going to talk about what happened between us. I just wasn't sure it was a conversation that I actually wanted to have.

Sighing I rubbed my hand down my face, pausing at my temple testing the tenderness of my wound. Grinding my teeth, I sent Jason a quick email.

"Make sure you check into all the players that deal with this club. Enemies, friends, acquaintances. I don't care what they are, if their name is tied to this club or someone in this club, I want to know about it."

"We will be talking soon, do not think that I will let this end here."

I sent the email and sat back, I knew the minute he opened it. Jason meant a lot to me and he knew I would never hurt him but he also knew that I didn't like deceiving people. I just hoped his explanation was worth it.

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