Chapter 6

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I fisted my hair in my hands as I stared at my brothers unconscious form. He was such a dipshit, dipping his paws into things he knew to leave well enough alone.

Grinding my teeth I reached into my pocket and called Jason.

"What now?" His sleep voice came through the line.

"I don't have time for your bullshit. I need you over here at Jeremy's, Now!" I bellowed before throwing my phone into the wall shattering it to pieces.

I paced back and forth glancing out the curtains every few moments before resuming my pacing. Growling I moved into my brothers room and grabbed his suit case from the closet.

Hastily, I began opening his drawers and shoving clothes into it before moving on to his closet.

Grabbing his other suit case when the first got full, I continued to shove his shoes and other items from his bathroom into it as well. I snapped my head towards the living room when I heard the soft knock echoing through the silence of the apartment.

I waited for the code to repeat before going to the front door and opening it slightly, my hand on my gun. Jason stood on the other side with a "what the fuck" look on his face.

Opening the door further I motioned him inside with a tilt of my head before scanning the hallway, once I was certain no one had followed him I slipped back inside and shut the door.

"What the fuck, Nick?" He demanded as he stood over my brother poking his cheek.

"I need you to get him out of here, make him disappear for the time being. He is in some deep shit." I growled as I ran my fingers through my hair for what must be the hundredth time.

"How deep?" Jason questioned folding his arms across his chest.

"Bellamy, deep." I responded on a sigh.

"Fucking dipshit!" Jason snapped at my brother. "What did he do?"

"Cheating at the poker tables, they caught on. I don't know all the details only that they want a meet, with me." I told him running a hand along my face, exhaustion hitting me like a sledge hammer.

"If I don't follow through with this meet, they will kill him." I whispered.

I heard Jason sigh before I heard him move, "fine, I'll make him disappear but once this meet is done, you get the fuck out of there."

"We have made sure to stay out of their business for years, I'm not going to jeopardize you because of this punkass." He snapped throwing his hand towards my brother.

"I would do the same for you Jason," I told him.

"Good thing for you that I keep my nose clean," he snapped not appreciating my remark at all.

"Just do as I ask, I'll contact you after the meet." I told him my gaze sliding to my brother.

"I'll grab his clothes, just go dump him in the backseat of the car." Jason muttered turning away from me.

"His clothes are packed just sitting on the bed," I called after him.

Standing up I went over to my brother and grabbed his arm lifting him up into a sitting position before kneeling down to shove my shoulder into his stomach and lift him up fireman style.

I carried him to Jason's car and dropped him into the backseat while Jason came walking up with a suit case in each hand.

"Take as much money as you need to hide him away. I'll contact you when it's done." I told him as I shut the back door.

I watched as he placed the suit cases in the trunk before walking to the drivers side. He paused to look at me his lips forming a thin line at the displeasure of the situation we found ourselves in.

"Watch your back in there, Nick. You are not part of their world, they will not hesitate to kill you." He whispered, I nodded at him as his eyes flickered about my face before he nodded once and slipped into the drivers seat.

I watched the car until the red tail lights disappeared. Releasing a breath I didn't know I held I went back to my brothers apartment, shutting everything off and closing the door I started off down the street.

I didn't have my ride, having caught a cab to my brothers from the airport. I walked the distance between my brothers apartment to the club I knew Bellamy resided at.

Grinding my teeth at the problem that landed in my lap, my brother was a fuck up but he had never been in this deep before.

Usually he made bets on games or horses, he usually won but when he lost he came to me for money to pay the bookie. No one got hurt, he knew not to make that big of bets but this? This was way out of his league.

The lights were off and the neon closed sign was on, moving to the back door I looked up into the camera before raising my fist and knocking once.

They knew I was here, was no need for me to knock again. I stepped back and waited, five minutes passed before I heard the sound of the lock being turned.

A big man opened the door flashing his gun at me before motioning me inside. I walked through the door only to be shoved against the wall by another and frisked for weapons.

I ground my teeth as they removed my guns and the two knives strapped to my ankles before grabbing my arms and shoving me in front of them.

"Walk," I walked ahead down the long hallway, "turn here." I turned towards the only door around.

One of the men leaned forward and knocked twice before stepping back. I watched as the door slid open and felt the nudge at my back, stepping forward into what looked like a dining room.

I turned as the door shut behind me, frowning I turned to look about the room. A man stood against the wall just passed the door, he was the one I'm assuming who opened it.

He stood with his feet spread apart and his arms folded with assuming gun resting in his right hand.

"Please take a seat Mr. Gerard." Turing towards the voice I watched as three men in business suits walked into the room one ahead of the others.

"Thanks but I would rather stand, Bellamy."

The BossTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon