Chapter 8

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I stood by the window looking down at the street below, waiting for them to take me to my charge. Weariness weighed on me, between the previous job, the flight and Jeremy I was exhausted.

I turned as a knock sounded and my door swung open, Jace entered with Bellamy on his heels and a covered plate in his hands.

"Bastard, told you to hurry it up, this plate is hot." Bellamy scolded Jace who just shrugged and smirked as Bellamy placed it on the table and shook out his hands.

"Here, eat you have 15 minutes before we have to be down stairs." Bellamy said before moving to the night stand and grabbing the TV remote.

"I'm not hungry."

"You better eat now, don't know when you will have another chance to eat," he shrugged before turning the TV on and making himself comfortable on my bed.

Growling lowly at him, I moved to the table and lifted the cover revealing an omelet with hash browns and toast. I sat down and began to eat the food, "good boy," Bellamy praised.

"Dude, shut up before he shoots you," Jace snapped as I glared at Bellamy.

"Sorry, actually I'm not. I had the chance and took it," He chuckled.

"He is going to quit because of your stupidity," Jace grumbled. "Please ignore that imbecile and eat," he apologized.

I raised an eye brow at the two of them, there was seriously no way these two could be part of the Mafia.

"Come on time to go," Bellamy said as he swung his legs off the bed and stood up turning the TV off.

"Oh, this should be fun," Jace comments in an ominous tone as we leave the room.

"Dum, dum.." Bellamy adds and snickers as Jace smacks him in the back of his head.

I shake my head and follow them into the elevator, once it dings letting us know we have arrived at the first floor I watch both of them shake their arms and breathe harshly before straightening and placing blank faces on.

We step out of the elevator and head through the club, a man is behind the bars stocking and cleaning glasses. I see three women walking around wiping down tables and cleaning chairs.

"Everyday we have up to five employees come in and clean the place, they check our inventory and make sure that product is in stock and if it's not they place an order," Jace explained apparently following the direction of my eyes.

"We will show you all the rooms here on the main floor before things get busy, we will also head up to the security office and get you a list of all the employees who work for us, plus descriptions."

"Once we are finished here, Claire should be down and you can accompany her with the deliveries," Jace continued.

"Who is Claire?" I asked.

"Oh yeah," he chuckled. "Claire will be the woman you are protecting. First we want you to get a feel for the place so in case of an emergency you can establish escape routes or vantage points."

I nodded as I took in my surroundings, they had a total of 4 rooms on the ground floor. One held the alcohol stock, the other food, the third cleaning supplies and the fourth was the backroom that their shippers delivered product for the club.

On the ground floor they looked like a clean cut club, but I knew they weren't. Once they walked me through the ground floor we got back into the elevator and went back to the second floor.

"We have 5 bedrooms on this floor, 3 of which are occupied, well since your here now that number is 4. We usually leave 2 open for surprise guests," Bellamy explained.

He stopped at one door are unlocked it with a key card, "this is our weapons closet," my eye brows rose straight to my hair line as he flicked the light and weapons varied from small to big, to loves bites and blow your face off.

"Do you want us to give you a moment or shall we move on?" Jace smirked, instead of commenting I flipped him off and walked out of the room.

Heading further down the hall we stopped in front of another room, Jace swiped his card and the door slid open.

The room was blacked out with no windows, a lengthy couch and matching love seat at on one wall. A bookcase on the other, pictures of different nature scenes hung on the other with an small mini bar.

On the wall with the book case sat a corner counter with several keyboards and 3 big screen tvs hanging on the wall with mini pictures showing all the camera angles all over the club and upper floor.

"This I guess you can call our panic room, slash security room.." Jace began.

"Slash, slash and slash," Bellamy finished. "Basically this room is whatever you want it to be."

"We have cameras installed all over the place, they record everything and save daily in this bad boy right here," he chuckled as he tapped a black computer.

"Here is a list of all the employees, background checks, phone records and such. If you want more details just ask and we will get it for you."

"Over here we have a button on the top of this picture, press it and it opens a door." Bellamy swept his hand towards a metal door sliding open on the other side of the bookcase.

"There are more weapons in the drawers here as well as cash and if need be a stairwell that you can take down to a set of under ground tunnels that lead to a hotel 4 blocks over."

"Claire is quite stubborn as you will soon find out. If things become too sticky for your taste, knock her ass out and bring her here. Hide out in a hotel until we can contact you on this," he states as he hands me over a new iphone.

"The door to this room is bullet proof and you need a key card to get in, once your in they will not be able to get though. You will have a chance to catch your breath before pressing the button and making your way down to the tunnels."

"Here is your key card, do not lose this. It is specific to you, it tells us who has been in what room, how many times and when."

"Think you have it all?" Jace asked. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "Well alright then, let's go meet Claire." He said as he glanced at his watch.

"She should be down back with Cain."

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