Chapter 45

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Everything was silent as our SUVs, drifted slowly down the roads. Anticipation, excitement and some dread could be felt in the vehicle.

I couldn't wait to get out of here, I felt like was suffocating. Glancing to Claire, I could see that she seemed uncomfortably calm.

The gun in her hands was steady, her breathing normal as she watched the road from the passenger seat. Frowning at her, I returned my gaze to the road. I knew she was holding something back but I couldn't make out exactly what.

"Slow down," she whispered as she leaned forward in the seat. I eased of the gas and coasted around a small bend in the road. "Pull off here and stop." She whispered again pointing to a small group of trees that could easily hide our vehicles.

I shut off the lights and turned into the trees, the other vehicle following my movements. Once I had the vehicle in park we all jumped out.

"Weapons check and then we move," Bellamy told every one. Clicks could be heard before everyone nodded.

We moved silently through the trees and shrubs that lay between us and the fence protecting the man we needed to get to.

Once the fence was in sight, Claire crouched down and the others followed her lead. Apparently this wasn't their first rodeo and a new sense of pride swelled in my chest at watching my woman move.

Bellamy and Jace, flanked her moving in sync with her as they scanned the fence line.

"Cade," Bellamy called and I watched him step forward and begin cutting away at the chain linked fence. "Move," Bellamy whispered once the hole was big enough for us to move through.

Kneeling down we moved behind the fence line, "watch out for the dogs." Jace whispered as we fanned out amongst the trees.

We moved closer together, watching cautiously as we advanced. "Switch to the headsets," Jace commanded as he pressed a Bluetooth to his ear.

"No heat signatures in the vicinity." I closed my eyes and cursed under my breath.

"Dammit baby, what the hell are you thinking?" I smirked as Bellamy's hard voice barked through my ear.

"That I wasnt going to leave you out there alone, stupid." Dawson muttered. "Now shut up and keep going."

"Fine," he growled, I could tell he wanted to say more but didn't want to have a fight with everyone being able to here.

"Break into two groups, group one spread out towards the south end of the house. Groups two break towards the north." Dawson ordered, the groups had already been discussed but the plan had changed once Dawson made her appearance.

She knew she could help us, basically got up into Jace's face and demanded that she help us. I shook my head at her and told Jace it would give us an advantage, even taking in her appearance I knew that she had finally gotten to Bellamy.

Claire got in her face at that point and told Dawson, "if you even think about hurting him I'll put a bullet in your head."

"I respect that," Dawson replied before walking away.

Shaking my head and concentrating on the mission at hand, we moved up along side the house.

"Group one, two dogs and three guards approaching at 10 o'clock." I stepped forward and shot the two dogs before moving to the guards.

"Clear," I whispered.

"Group two, stop right there. You have two guards approaching fast at 2 o'clock." Dawson relayed.

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