Chapter 18

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I didn't want to move, the pounding in my skull was excruciating. I shuffled my legs and moaned at the action, it felt like I had been run over. Shuffling in the room caught my attention, jerking up into a sitting position to see who was there caused a hiss to escape at the pain lacerating my skull.

"Here take these," my eyes found her as she came into my blurry line of eye sight. I released a relieved breath, I was still in the club. Leaning back against the pillows I held my hand out, she placed two white pills in my hand and offered me a glass of water for the other.

Putting the pills in my mouth and chasing it with water was difficult, the slight movement of my head caused pain to pierce my skull. Clenching my jaw, I squeezed my eyes shut trying to will the pills to work faster.

I felt gentle hands poking around my head and opened my eyes to look at her in question.

"I'm checking your bandages, you took a couple of nasty hits." She replied as I felt a slight tugging at my hair line. Sighing, I closed my eyes and let her look me over.

It had been a while since I had been taken by surprise like that, being here is changing me and I don't know if I like it. I relaxed under the slight touches of her fingers against my skin, the soothing way she tilted my head to look at my wounds and the light presses of her fingers and she applied new bandages.

"There you should be good for a couple hours," she responded. I opened my eyes and watched her turn back to a medical kit she had sitting on my night stand.

"Thank you," I whispered. My voice came out raspy and harsh, taking another drink of water I relished the cool liquid running down my throat easing the dry mouth that I had.

I kept my head leaned back against the pillow as I felt the medicine begin to kick in. Drowsiness began to sink in and I felt the glass being taken from my hand, I tried opening my eyes to look at her but they refused to open.

The pain receded to a dullness I could handle and I gratefully slipped into the darkness.

I woke again some time later, my room was empty and the blinds were drawn closed. Tilting my head I noticed two more white pills and a full glass of water sitting on my night stand, reaching out I took both.

Looking at the clock, I noticed it was well into the late afternoon. I put the water back on the nightstand, I leaned back into the pillows. After a few moments I felt the pills start to kick in, I needed to shower I groaned as I sat up and tried to ignore the spinning of the room.

When it settled, I stood on shaky legs and went into the bathroom. Leaning against the counter I looked in the mirror. A nasty bruise was on my left cheek and a nastier one on my temple, peeling up the bandage I could see the butterfly stitches she applied.

Taking the bandage off I ran my hand along the back of my head and felt another bandage, peeling that off as well I lightly ran my fingers across the wound noticing it wasn't as bad as the one on my temple.

"Fuck," I groaned as I pushed away from the counter to stumble back into my room. Walking to my closet, I leaned against the door jam trying to fight the wave of dizziness that came over me.

Breathing deeply, I reached out from some clean underwear before walking back to the bathroom. Leaning down to turn on the shower, I paused my equilibrium was out of balance causing my stomach to roll and dizziness to blind me every time I moved.

Since I was already bent over, I took the time to slip my boxer briefs off as well as my socks. Taking a deep breath I slowly rose to my feet, stepping into the shower I adjusted the temperature to an almost scalding hot.

The pounding of the water and the hotness worked at getting my tense muscles worked out. I was exhausted from the short time I had been awake, the effort it took to simply walk across the room took almost everything out of me.

Sitting down in the tub, I rested my head back against the side. Luckily for me the tub was big enough for two people to use, so I was able to stretch my long body out. Closing my eyes I relaxed into the sensation of the hot water hitting my skin.

"What the fuck?" I jolted at the voice as I turned to see Claire come running into the bathroom. "Oh thank god," she breathed as she watched me turn fully to look at her.

"I heard the shower and when I saw your head on the side of the tub with blood trailing down I thought the worse." She explained.

Frowning at the mention of blood, I looked down the side of the tub and in fact there was blood but it wasn't fresh. It was the caked on blood from last night, looking back up to her I noticed her eyes linger on my naked form for a moment before she turned on her heel and left the room.

If I hadn't been so out of it, I might have smirked and made the situation worse by inviting her to join me but as it was I couldn't even lift my arms to wash myself.

"Are you going to need help?" I paused in my train of thought to tilt my head back and look at her. She had pulled her long hair back into as pony tail and was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. She was beautiful I thought as I nodded my head.

I watched her turn and grab a wash cloth from one of the cabinets before she moved to the shower. She turned the spray off and put the plug in, when it came up to my side she turned the water off completely.

I closed my eyes as she began washing my chest and neck, I wanted the look at her but I knew my gaze would probably make her uncomfortable and I didn't want that.

"Can you sit up?" She asked quietly, I opened my eyes and with the help of her hand on my shoulders I sat up leaning my arms on my raised knees. Crossing my arms and turning my head away from her, I silently enjoyed the feeling of her fingers brushing against my skin.

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