Chapter 32

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Just as I shut the door, the one down the hall opened revealing Bellmay.

"Still out cold, yours?" He asked running a hand down his tired face.

"Awake and pissed." I chuckled as we made our way out into the club.

"So what's the plan?" I asked as we sat down at the bar.

"Get some information and hopefully get on with our lives," he sighed. We both knew that despite the hopefulness to his words that in reality it would just open more questions than we already had.

Yet there was still hope that maybe we would in fact be able to get on with our lives and the threat to the club, the men and especially Claire would be done with.

We sat in silence for a while, enjoying the solitude that we hadn't gotten much of in the last few days.

"You know, this isn't how we all had planned to live our lives," he said quietly, more like a statement than a question. I didn't bother to say anything, letting him get everything off his chest.

"We just wanted to own a club, to get away from the illegal shit and make our own way. However with the name, the money and the enemies, we didn't have a choice. If we had tried getting out, it would have been a bloody battle and that was something that i didn't want on my hands." He whispered as he stared into the bottom of his empty glass, rubbing his left thumb against the palm of his hand unconciously.

"I never knew that," I replied my tone soft.

"No one did," he laughed bitterly. "I want to still do it, at the end of all this. I want to be able to just own the club, to see my friends marry, maybe have some rugrats." He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, i want them to have a life. Something away from all of this, they should have never forced this life down our throats." He grimanced before setting the glass down on the bar. "I'm going to head to bed, we will let them stew in what they brought upon themselves. Maybe then it won't take so long to get any answers."

I nodded my head and watched him walk away, I never would have pegged Bellamy as the sentimental type. The hard edge to his personality and the dealings that I had heard on the streets, he lived up to the reputation that he had built. It was going to take some time if he planned on doing exactly as he stated.

Shaking my head, i turned my thoughts inwards. About the future, what did I really want? I knew that i wouldn't be able to do this life forever and the amount of money that I had saved, what good would it do me if i was alone to spend it. Sighing, I made my way to my room and took a shower.

The next morning, came sooner than I would have liked but I wanted answers. Heading downstairs, I smirked as I saw Bellamy waiting for me at the bar.

"Morning," he mumbled, nodding my head at him I waited for him to open the doors so that we could get this started.

"Who first?" He asked looking at me.

"The girl, she should be easier to break than the other two." I told him as we stopped in front of the door. He pushed the door open and i expected to see a crying heap of a mess tied to the chair in the middle of the room, but was surprised to see her eyes trained on us and her cheeks unwet.

"Good Morning," Bellamy said cheerily, almost way too cheery if you asked me.

"Go ahead and do whatever you want, i won't talk." She stated cutting past all pleasantries and shoving her nose in the air.

"Really?" he asked her as he leaned against the wall. "Do you happen to know who this is?" He motioned towards me with a wave of his hand.

"I do," she said, no ounce of fear evident in her voice.

"Then you know what he can do?" Bellamy stated, his easy going tone relaxing.

"Yes, I am quite aware of what he can do. I haven't done anything, yet here I am strapped to this chair and clearly in some sort of trouble. So, if you could please just get on with it that would be great." She sighed.

"Why so eager?" Bellamy asked as he pushed off the wall to stand closer to her, watching her movements I could see that she wasn't scared, in fact she was the exact opposite of scared. Her breathing increased as Bellamy got close, her eyes following the slightest movements that he made.

She seemed excited, getting a thrill out of not knowing what would happen next. Bellamy moved gripping her shoulders as he growled down at her, the widening of her eyes said everything I needed to know.

Frowning at her and gauging the situation. This wasn't good. "Bell," when his attention turned to me, I moved to the door and motioned for him to follow.

"What?" he asked irritation in his voice, I turned without a word and made my way to the end of the hallway, furthest away from anyone else.

"It's not going to work," I told him.

"What won't work?" He asked as he turned to look at the door we just came out of.

"Did you see her in there? If she knew who i was and wasn't the least bit terrified, then something else is going on. " I told him, clearly he wasn't getting it.

"So? What does that have to do with anything?" he demanded as his eyes swung to meet mine.

"She was the lover of a mafia warlord and worked with another, do you honestly think that anything we do to her will make any difference? She has probably had it worse in her lifetime than anything we could throw her way." He paused as he listened to what i was saying.

"She seemed to be getting off on the fact that we might cause her pain," I told him. "For her pain is pleasure, hurting her will only give her want she truly wants."

"Then what do we do?" he asked is face darkening.

"I'm going to question the other two, see if i can get them to reveal anything. Keep her locked up, i'll have Jason look deeper into her past and see if we can use any of that against her." I rubbed my hand down my face.

"Fine," He muttered before disappearing down the hallway.

Sighing, I looked up at the ceiling, in my gut i felt it. I knew the shit storm was coming, my only problem now was, when?

If she wasn't going to be easy to break then how would the others fair? Breaking them was going to prove to be a long and exhausting time, sighing to myself I walked towards the door I wanted to start with first.

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